2008-05-23 00:13:17阿尼塔
Miss 阿尼塔,
My husband and I want over to my mother’s place to have dinner just now. Today the dinner was different because normally, our dinner will be either be a rushing one or a very late one. For today, we are able to have it at normal dinner time because brother does not have to go over to the night tuition centre to teach since it is school’s examination period in Singapore.
As usual, after dinner, I have a nice chat with brother while mother talk to my husband. Brother is fine. I just find that he has slim down from his Hong Kong & Taipei trip. However, he said he did not. I do not know if it is just my eyes or if brother is trying not to let others worried for him.
I asked brother about his interviews, he said the Hong Kong interview was good, but for the Taipei one, he has less confident. He told me not to worry for him because he has gone all out and given his best.
I knew about brother extending his stay in Taipei to see you. I did not support his decision at all initially because he is taking a big risk. The reason I am telling you this is because he supposed to have a confirmed flight back to Singapore if he had flew back to Singapore immediately after his Taipei interview. However, by extending his stay to see you, he was put on the China Airline’s passenger waiting list as it was over-booked. What is worst is he extended his stay to the point where he did not have any room left to juggle around if he failed to get a seat on that Monday flight. He knew fully well the consequences if he failed to get onto that flight because he will surely get himself into trouble with his school principle. I asked him if it is worth doing that for you, he smile and said the word ‘risk’ has never cross his mind. It was just simply what his heart wanted to do, even though he knows that you would not appear. He told me he will keep waiting for the day where you are comfortable and decided to see him again. He asked me, if deep inside his heart he realized that you are the lady he has been searching for in his entire life, the one that he is willing to walk his life with forever, the only one he will love and treasure for the rest of his life, does the word ‘worthy’ has anymore influence to his decision? I believe you will agree with me, most probably not, because the word ‘worthy’ could never describe or hold the love brother has for you.
I do not know if you could see it in your eyes or feel any of my brother’s sincerity that he has for you in your heart. If you do, I really hope that you do not hold back, but open your heart and treasure him like he has already done for you all this while. I know my brother loves you deeply not only from what he said, what he has gone through or done for you. I was touched because he pursues that love he has for you deep down inside him that he believes strongly without holding back, and he keeps going without fear or any regrets even though he did not get any responds from you and everyone around him tried to dissuade him. As I said before, I know I am not in any position to tell you what to do, but from a woman’s point of view, I believe my brother really deserves a chance from you at the very least.
Best regards,
Miss 阿尼塔,
My husband and I want over to my mother’s place to have dinner just now. Today the dinner was different because normally, our dinner will be either be a rushing one or a very late one. For today, we are able to have it at normal dinner time because brother does not have to go over to the night tuition centre to teach since it is school’s examination period in Singapore.
As usual, after dinner, I have a nice chat with brother while mother talk to my husband. Brother is fine. I just find that he has slim down from his Hong Kong & Taipei trip. However, he said he did not. I do not know if it is just my eyes or if brother is trying not to let others worried for him.
I asked brother about his interviews, he said the Hong Kong interview was good, but for the Taipei one, he has less confident. He told me not to worry for him because he has gone all out and given his best.
I knew about brother extending his stay in Taipei to see you. I did not support his decision at all initially because he is taking a big risk. The reason I am telling you this is because he supposed to have a confirmed flight back to Singapore if he had flew back to Singapore immediately after his Taipei interview. However, by extending his stay to see you, he was put on the China Airline’s passenger waiting list as it was over-booked. What is worst is he extended his stay to the point where he did not have any room left to juggle around if he failed to get a seat on that Monday flight. He knew fully well the consequences if he failed to get onto that flight because he will surely get himself into trouble with his school principle. I asked him if it is worth doing that for you, he smile and said the word ‘risk’ has never cross his mind. It was just simply what his heart wanted to do, even though he knows that you would not appear. He told me he will keep waiting for the day where you are comfortable and decided to see him again. He asked me, if deep inside his heart he realized that you are the lady he has been searching for in his entire life, the one that he is willing to walk his life with forever, the only one he will love and treasure for the rest of his life, does the word ‘worthy’ has anymore influence to his decision? I believe you will agree with me, most probably not, because the word ‘worthy’ could never describe or hold the love brother has for you.
I do not know if you could see it in your eyes or feel any of my brother’s sincerity that he has for you in your heart. If you do, I really hope that you do not hold back, but open your heart and treasure him like he has already done for you all this while. I know my brother loves you deeply not only from what he said, what he has gone through or done for you. I was touched because he pursues that love he has for you deep down inside him that he believes strongly without holding back, and he keeps going without fear or any regrets even though he did not get any responds from you and everyone around him tried to dissuade him. As I said before, I know I am not in any position to tell you what to do, but from a woman’s point of view, I believe my brother really deserves a chance from you at the very least.
Best regards,
這篇真的沒耐心看完ㄟ... (那封信)
我阿姨之前也有介紹一個新加坡人給我 不過不同的是 那個新加坡人欠我錢就人間蒸發哈哈
還好數目不大 就當買了8個MAC粉餅又掉到水溝了
新加坡真的不是個有趣的地方 不能呆超過3天
我們為何要當人類,而一生在天下民間生存,況且又是誰在操縱與考驗我們做人的行為好或壞呢?其實這些疑惑都有(來龍去脈)的真實答案;就在http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/life-dictionary 歡迎常去探討--保證能夠讓您找到您今世所要得知的一切!