2009-02-12 15:04:34澳肥

[維基百科] День Поб


Alfred WANG 編譯


Den Pobedy  勝利之日

"Den' Pobedy" (Russian: День Победы, English: Victory Day) ranks amongthe most popular in the large corpus of Russian songs dedicated toWorld War II. The song differs from most of these by its cheerfulintonations of a marching song and by the fact that it was composedsome thirty years after the war. In the words of Vladimir Shainsky, aveteran composer, "the song seemed to have turned back the time.Although written three decades after the war, it now seems that it wasthis song that helped us to gain the victory".
「勝利之日」(俄文:День Победы,英文:VictoryDay)是眾多紀念二次大戰的俄語歌曲中,最出名的一首曲子,與其他歌曲不同之處,在於這首歌是曲調激昂的進行曲,且作曲時間是在戰爭結束後的三十餘年。據資深作曲家伏拉基米‧沙因斯基(VladimirShainsky)表示,「這首歌有時光倒流的感覺,雖然是戰爭過了三十年才寫的,但現在聽到這首歌,會以為是它帶領我們走向勝利。」

History 歌曲緣由

In order to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Soviet victory inthe WWII, the Soviet government announced a competition for the bestsong about the war. In March 1975, poet Vladimir Kharitonov, who hadtaken part in the war, approached his traditional co-author, the youngcomposer David Tukhmanov with a proposal to write a new song for theoccasion. This effort was to differ strikingly from their previouscollaborations, which had been disco-influenced chartbusters. Severaldays before the deadline, Kharitonov brought his lyrics to Tukhmanovand the latter composed a song just in time to be recorded by his wifeand to be submitted to the jury.

However, the jury, composed primarily of elderly songwriters whosetastes had been formed during Stalin's era, was exceedingly displeasedwith the result. The lyrics appeared to them lightsome and frivolous,while the melody was alleged to abuse the "rhythms of tango andfoxtrot", two "bourgeois" dances which had been banned in the SovietUnion.

Although the performance of the song was strongly discouraged, LevLeshchenko, one of the most popular Soviet singers, dared to premiereit during his concert in Alma-Ata in late April. Then the song wasperformed in the Little Blue Light TV show on 9 May by another singer,but his interpretation was rather lackluster and failed to attractattention. Thereupon the song was not performed until 10 November whenLeshchenko revived it for a grand concert in the Kremlin Palace ofCongresses on the Militsiya Day. His performance astounded the censorsbut proved to be a runaway success with the audience, who clamored foran encore.
雖然這首歌曲的表現令人格外失望,不過在稍後的四月,蘇聯一位非常有名的歌手,列夫‧列辛科(LevLeshchenko),竟然在於阿拉木圖(Alma-Ata)的演唱會中,首次演唱這首歌曲。之後,這首歌在五月九日的時候,由另一名歌手在蘇聯一個電視音樂秀「小藍燈 (Little BlueLight)」演唱,不過他的曲風有點死板,並沒有引人注目。因此,這首歌便沒有人唱,直到十一月十日,列夫‧列辛科在克林姆林宮大禮堂(KremlinPalace of Congresses)舉辦慶祝軍警節(MilitsiyaDay)的大型演唱會,演唱會當中,他再次演唱這首歌曲。他的表現讓娛樂活動的稽查人員(censors)大為震驚,但隨著觀眾的安可聲不斷,他的表演獲得空前的成功。


Since then, the song has been invariably performed during every VictoryDay celebrations in the Soviet Union and Russia, often concluding aprogram of festivities, with the last stanza drowned in sounds offireworks over the Red Square. According to Komsomolskaya Pravda, theSoviet leader Leonid Brezhnev liked this song greatly, especially whenperformed by Joseph Kobzon, and predicted to Kharitonov that "folkswould sing this tune for many years after you and I are gone".
之後,不管是在蘇聯時期,還是蘇聯解體以後,每逢二次大戰紀念日,都會在慶典的尾端演奏這首歌曲,並在紅場燃放煙火。根據蘇聯共青團真理報(Komsomolskaya Pravda)記載,蘇聯領導人列昂尼德‧勃列日涅夫(LeonidBrezhnev)非常喜歡這首歌,尤其是由優希夫‧卡伯宗(JosephKobzon)演唱的時候。當時他向哈利塔諾夫預言,「就算你我都死了,過了許多年,人們還是會演唱這首歌」。

Brezhnev's expectation did not fail to materialize, in part because, asthe American researcher David MacFadyen explains, "this powerful songdraws not upon the bravery of youthful soldiers but the privatememories of ageing, greying veterans. Its poignant combination of joyat a stunning victory and sadness at great loss sounds just as relevanttoday, when the war itself is something about which many young Russiansneither know nor care".



Victory Day, how far was it from us        
Like an ember dwindled in the faded fire.     
Leagues were there, burnt and dusted, —    
We did all we could for hastening this day.    

This Victory Day             
Saturated with the smell of gunpowder,   
This is a holiday             
With gray hairs on temples,        
This is joy                
With tears in our eyes,           
Victory Day!                
Victory Day!                
Victory Day!               

Days and nights at open-hearth furnaces   
Our Motherland spent, sleepless.       
Days and nights we fought a hard battle,    
We did all we could for hastening this day.    

Hello, Mom, not all of us came back...      
Wish to run about barefoot in dew!       
Half of Europe, we have stridden half of Earth,  
We did all we could for hastening this day.    
Chorus x 2  (回到副歌*2)

День Победы, как он был от нас далёк,
Как в костре потухшем таял уголёк.
Были версты, обгорелые, в пыли —
Этот день мы приближали как могли.

Этот День Победы
Порохом пропах,
Это праздник
С сединою на висках.
Это радость
Со слезами на глазах.
День Победы !
День Победы !
День Победы !

Дни и ночи у мартеновских печей
Не смыкала наша Родина очей.
Дни и ночи битву трудную вели —
Этот день мы приближали как могли.

Здравствуй, мама, возвратились мы не все...
Босиком бы пробежаться по росе !
Пол-Европы, прошагали, пол-Земли —
Этот день мы приближали как могли.
Chorus x 2