2009-02-12 14:50:43澳肥

[BBC News] 台灣反對黨領袖獲判無罪

[Alfred WANG 編譯]




馬英九所屬的國民黨到兩千年為止一直是台灣的執政黨,與中國關係較為密切。馬英九將與民進黨參選人謝長廷(Frank Hsieh)角逐總統大選,而民進黨目前是台灣的執政黨,過去不斷尋求台灣獨立。


An appeal court in Taiwan has acquitted opposition leader Ma Ying-jeou of corruption charges.

The ruling clears the way for him to represent the nationalistKuomintang party in the presidential election due to be held in March.  

Mr Ma had resigned as head of the Kuomintang Party following the indictment but denied any wrongdoing.

Prosecutors had been seeking to overturn a lower court ruling which cleared him of embezzlement.

Mr Ma was accused of misappropriating T$11.2m ($339,000) in funds while he was mayor of the capital, Taipei.

His faction of the Kuomintang - which governed Taiwan until 2000 - favours closer ties and more trade with China.

In the election he will face Frank Hsieh of the ruling DemocraticProgressive Party, which seeks greater independence from the mainland.  

Taiwan and China have been ruled by separate governments since the end of the Chinese civil war in 1949.

Beijing regards Taiwan as part of its territory and believes it shouldbe reunited with the rest of China, if necessary by force.