2020-12-23 11:30:07WitchVera

Wish you and your family a precious year 2021

What I just read via WFP and shall please read what they comments. Each of us an angel with only one wing, we could fly only when we embracing each other.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Wish you and your family a precious year 2021.
Share: Winnipeg Free Press
9 小時 ·
Up to nine precious doses of COVID-19 vaccine ended up in the trash at the end of the first day of vaccination clinics when a clinic manager ordered unused doses be discarded -- a decision that flew in the face of public-health recommendations.
在疫苗接種診所的第一天結束時, 多達九劑寶貴的新冠病毒疫苗最終落入垃圾桶, 一名診所經理下令拋棄未使用的劑量--這個決定在公眾健康面前飛翔 建議.梅麗莎·馬丁報道:··隱藏原文


楊風 2020-12-28 07:52:43


午安吉祥 愉快舒心
明天就更寒冷唷~ 留意保暖!
2020-12-29 14:41:21
楊風 2020-12-28 07:50:48


WitchVera 2020-12-23 11:32:25

30分鐘 ·
As warming temperatures (and a miner) chipped away at permafrost in Yukon, Canada, the earth yielded a discovery that is "incredibly rare from North America."
在加拿大育空永久凍結的溫度(和礦工)下, 地球產生了一個′′來自北美的罕見的發現."
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