2006-03-10 21:06:00黑點




They just got married last year as Bernie’s divorce took a very long time. When they were in Edinburgh, they took the sleepers train to go up, arrive the next morning, and after checking the prices of a hotel room, they had a shower at the station where you need to pay 2 quid for! They had lunch at one of the food halls, and it was a set meal for 2.49 each for chinese…. Can’t believe you can still get that sort of prices here in UK, but maybe up in Scotland its really cheap! Sol didn’t even have the right dress for the wedding yet, so went shopping first and then they caught a train to Queensbury to get married. The only reason they went to Edinburgh is because they can get married straight away for the marriage license, instead of waiting 3 weeks for it in London.

Bernie use to work for the Royal Air Force, after retiring, he was working in one of the manufacturing companies for aeroplanes before he fell sick with prostate cancer and a collapse disc in his spine. Both operations he had would’ve been okay if he didn’t get his wound infected, whereby he had to spend more time in the hospital. He was bed ridden for some time, was really sick, and at that time they still had the house in the country where Sol was working in London already.

I am glad to have met them, they are so kind and many people have taken advantages of them. The 2 Yolis turned out to be awful people.. Kept borrowing money from sol and not returning it.

