2007-01-16 02:17:30Waston

Week of Cooking

Can you believe it? I am cooking!! I cooked this weekday without buying anything outside. One reason is i want to save money for the coming weekend, i am going to Franklin Mills Outlet this Saturday. So i need to save money for shopping@@”. Another reason is the weather, it was very cold this week, i was lazy to go outside for any food. I felt i would become a snowman after buying foods. That’s why i would rather cooking inside.
In fact, i prefer eating others’ cooking more than myself’s. In Taiwan, i only cook fried rice, scrambled egg, noodles, and dumplings. So it was a great challenge to cook vegetables, drumsticks, carrot, and steam egg. But... i made it! HeHe!! And it was not bad eating. ^^”
The weather is like what Frank said ”The roller coaster”. The temperature now is 50 degrees fahrenheit which is warmer than California. On Saturday, we had 60 degrees fahreheit! Maybe tomorrow or Wednesday, the weather will change and the temperature will drop abruptly. Well..., another week of cooking~~~ :)

上一篇:Fried Rice

下一篇:Mousse Cakes

Michael and Kathleen 2007-01-22 14:49:27

哇! 你煮的每一道看起來都色香味俱全,嚐起來一定不錯!等你回來加州,可要好好露一手喔!

I don’t cook in Taiwan because it’s too convenient to buy outside and my mother cooks everyday. So seriously i am not a good cook, the meal was so so. I hope i can become a good cook, too. :)

2007-01-27 23:06:39