2013-02-05 03:00:23Viviandoll

Heart, Pray and Love

The closer to my brother and Grace's wedding, the stronger emotions I immersed myself in. Was it a wrong move to make that visa application? If I didn't, the passport would be flying with me home to dress up pretty, to chat more with my sister-in-law to be, and to accompany my family through the preparation for the wedding. I would be there giving my father and my brother the fashion advise on which suits to select for the wedding, I could be there going around with my mother from department stores to department stores in hunt of her best dress as the mother-in-law. At the group photograph, I would be there as well.

I got very upset in thinking how the visa and Home Office situation I put myself in, and only the chanting can help calming my emotion and frustration. I dedicated myself to chant in my heart as much as I could three days prior to the grand wedding. Two nights before the wedding, an idea emerged: even though I couldn't be at present, I can video tape my blessing to them. But, how do they receive it in time? To think is unenough, I had to take the first step. So I waited, sleepily, till the clock hit 2am (Taiwan 10am) I rang the hotel where is the wedding reception held, inquiring the workability and accessibility of them getting my video showed. As soon as the answer positive, and a few hours sleep, I woke up early to borrow Piotr's Mac and started recording. Dropbox was handy to create a link for the hotel to download my video. The pink roses and Water Lily's Be My Side wedding statue were all prepared. I dived into my closet, trying to find a cheerful, wedding-ish dress (or just the right red colour), then, the hair was curled. It seemed everything was settled but only little time left for me to record the video and create the link. When every beauty of the blessing was painted, it is 15 minutes after the hotel closed (10:15pm). 

Thinking about the wedding preparation starts around 8am, would my late arrival of video be difficult for the manager and host Fiona to squash into the already planned schedule? I only could wait and sleep on it and surely will learn about it next morning. 

It turns out great - a good surprise to my brother, my sister-in-law and to my parents. My cousin Vickie said my father was at the edge of crushing tears. The video was showed right after my brother's surprise gift to his bride - singing love song along with his piano performance. When he presented his gift of surprise, the host Fiona suggests another surprise. My brother knew the wedding plan inside out, so he was very surprise to learn there is something more. Then, my video came out. 

I still feel gutted that I had to miss my beloved brother and lovely Grace's wedding, but I realise something from this life lesson.... sometimes with me, maybe the distance gives me time to reflect the love and appreciation, for my family. 

Also, I feel so in love with Grace and Will. 

Grace being a relax, happy bride really gives me beautiful inspiration in life as well. Maybe we, Tu family, are always taking things to heart, too seriously. And life to be light is more fun. I like it. 

