2004-07-06 09:29:35scorpioo

[ 7:10 清醒 ]

7:10 電鈴聲,室友忘記帶鑰匙,我就這麼醒了,而且是清醒...想再回去睡,寂寞的感覺也陪伴著我,躺在身邊,它的浮動,讓我睡不著.

msn上線 竟然還有人,只不過她還沒有睡,但倒不是因為她也寂寞,而是因為瘋狂的看著dvd直到早上..> < 真是年輕無敵啊!!




清晨醒來,頭腦清晰的令我不可思議,有好多感覺想寫 卻不可以洋洋灑灑的全數傾出...寫完這句,下一句就自動在腦筋裡藏匿.要找..下一站的出口,是否會有對的人在出口 等我? 幾米芭樂的經典名句,說出口也不像自己會說的話.這句.只是剛好路過,撿到的!


oh~It's healing - bang bang bang
I can hear your cannons call
you've been aiming at my land
your hungry hammer is falling

and if you want me I'm your country

I'm an angel bored like hell
and you are the devil meaning well
you steal my lines and you strike me dumb
come raise your flag upon me

and if you want me I'm your country
if you win me I'm forever oh ~ yeah ~

"cause you're the storm that I've been needing
and all this peace has been deceiving
I like the sweet life and silence
but it's the storm that I believe in

come and conquer and drop your bombs
cross my borders and kill the calm
bear your fangs and burn my wings
I hear bullets singing

and if you want me I'm your country
if you win me I'm forever oh ~ yeah ~

"cause you're the storm that I've been needing
and all this peace has been deceiving
I need some wind to get me sailing
so it's the storm that I believe in

you fill my heart,you keep me breathing
'cause you're the storm that I believe in

and if you want me I'm your country....


am 9:20