sorry i havent been on the website and update my life for a very very long time, i still miss you al...
i've been saving for the longest time, finally got to buy my own laptop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my god ...
I'm happy, chanllenges are still every where, but my life is finaly starting to form and become ...
i got an email, subjected "bad news," i opened it and found out one of my cousins passed away becaus...
sooo i dont have a boyfriend anymore... it was a really long story, let’s just say after a year, he...
是 恩"祐" 姊姊啦!!!!!!!!!!!! 氣死我了... 終於有你的音訊了... 結果連我名字都忘了...grrrrrh!!!
誠型(忠誠可靠,警覺性高) 您通常是忠誠、可靠、謹慎,而且富有想像力的思想者。您身為團體一員的時間...
new stories... i’ll tell you later...=P
so you have to tell me how you’ve been... ann, ester, 芸,阿卉, 瑾瑜... and of course tell me how ...
happy new years!!!!!!!!!! where’s my red envelopes guys? do i have to write my address myself? =...
i’m so sure that there’s no one checking my page anymore.... oh well... i guess you guys are busy....
i miss you guys... where are you??!!!! is it almost chinese new year? don’t forget my red envolope...
so 我生病了...超久沒生病的...一生起病來就失聲了 voice...哈哈... 這學期終於已經結束了,開心迎接...
可惡...是哪個法輪功的傢佸在我這裡造次阿!!! 警告你喔...別再來了!!!