2009-08-18 11:56:11Grace

Sedona, Arizona

sorry i havent been on the website and update my life for a very very long time, i still miss you all, and i was just reading the emails you sent me 2, 3 years ago... made me smiled, laughed, and almost cried a little, you guys are really great friends thougt you should know.

We went to Sedona, AZ, for my birthday, it was just a really beautiful day, and i want to show you my new boyfriend.  Well, he's really not that new anymore, we've been together for over a year now.  Yes, he's black, he graduated this year and works at the bank with me.  His name is Aubri.  He has a great family, his parents love me and all of us get alone really, really well, my mom loves him and his family too, things are great.  Just thought you should know... every thing is a long story and i should have updated a long time ago, forgive me my friends...

he's a great man, i think we'll be together for a very long time. =)

sedona-birthday 094.JPG

瑾瑜 2010-07-19 11:25:05


Grace 2010-07-12 14:02:02

wow it took you a longgggg time!!!! but i'm glad you did!!!

瑾瑜 2010-06-28 21:00:05

沒有ㄝ 都沒有收到 哈哈~我今天才看到你回我