what's up
I'm happy, chanllenges are still every where, but my life is finaly starting to form and become the way i would like it to be.
Still in school, pursuing an accounting degree. Yes, the grace that never did well in math class is currently working on becoming an accountant thank you very much!hahahahaha
I have a full time job, after switching to work for the bank i've already got a my promotion in 6 months, making more money than ever, oh yeah i'm happy.
it sure looks like we're doing soooo damn well here, the struggle that we went through and is still going through is nothing that you can imagine and i'm usually too tired to type it up, besides theres nothing to talk about other than the final result because i know its going to be great, so i deal with the process and you all can just find out what happened at the end. i guess... you guys are too busy to keep up with the updates anyway.
yes i have a boyfriend now, he works at the bank too, its like a big upgrade since the last one, oh yeah! he treats me much much better and with more respect than ever, he's going to graduate with a pychology degree soon, and he's just a very adorable man, his family is soooooo nice and his parents love me, we all get along very very well... he's just a little short, not shorter than me but compare to the others i;ve dated, he's like the shortest... hahaha, but who cares, he treats me right is the most important thing. it's been 7 months, looking forward to many many many more to come. i have more faith that this one is a keeper.
all i want to say about my latest update is that, i feel like a different person, i'm looking at life ing very different perspectives, like a new born person, i'm happy about all the changes, i'm glad i got out of a very bad, dead end relationship, found out what i want for my life and have been working hard to pursue it, it feels great, all the tears and pain, made the end result 10000x sweeter, i say it's all worth it.
I miss you, and hope to hear from you soon.
祝福你 一切順利
tell me whats been going on with you? 2009-02-18 07:50:23
cool!!Thank God you got my email!
No problem, I’ll send you another one.
^^I do remember those days, the happy time we spent together is priceless~I’ll share something about me in the email which I’ll send.
Take good care of youself!!
say hi to your boyfriend~haha