2019-03-24 00:12:47tznlln3bldxz

【購買限時優惠】Cybex兒童安全座椅Sirona M2 i-Size不含底座 好康評價


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Cybex Child Car Seat Sirona M2 i-Size經典商品超值推 設計式樣: Premium Black - black · 2019

Cybex' Sirona M2 i-Size is a child safety seat that grows with your little one and conforms to the trans-European regulations of child car seats, the so called "i-Size" or ECE 129. Its one-hand use provides optimum adjustment of your little one's sitting and lying position.

Group/ weight category:

  • Suitable from birth up to a body height of 105 cm

  • Suitable for children right from birth up to 19 kg

  • Can be used from birth up to 4 years of age

Conforms to the norm:

  • ECE 129 (i-Size)

The Sirona M2 i-Size child car seat can only be attached to your car if it is combined with the Cybex Base M i-Size.

Please note: The Cybex Base M i-Size is not included in delivery. In order to purchase this base, browse the accessory section in our shop!

This convertible car seat by Cybex carries your child up to a body height of 105 cm safely in a rear-facing mode. As soon as your little one has reached 16 months of age and a size of 76 cm you can also install this car seat in a forward-facing mode. The easy-to-use click system eases converting the driving direction of the car seat.

The side impact protection which folds out on that side of the car seat that faces the door of your car, contributes to your child's safety in case of a side impact. When combined with shoulder protectors and head protectors, the LSP system absorbs the forces that occur in case of a crash. Furthermore, the installation of the car seat in a rear-facing mode reduces the risk of injuries in case of a front-end collision.

Its smart design contributes to enough legroom so that even older children enjoy sitting in this car seat. The headrest that can be adjusted in twelve different levels as well as the integrated belt positioner grow with your child. Magnetic belt holders make getting in and off the car seat particularly easy. If the car seat is installed in a rear-facing mode, its sitting and lying position can be adjusted in five different levels, and if the car seat is installed in a forward-facing mode, it can be adjusted 3-fold - this way you can supply your child with the right position at all times.



  • Convertible car seat that is suitable for children right from birth up to 4 years

  • Installation only via Isofix points with Cybex Base M i-Size (not included in delivery!)

  • Rear-facing mode: from birth up to 105 cm

  • Forward-facing mode: 76 to 105 cm

  • Minimises risk of injury in case of side impact

  • LSP system - linear side impact protection reduces forces that occur in a crash

  • Sitting and lying position can be adjusted single-handedly (rear-facing: 5 positions/ forward-facing: 3 positions)

  • Headrest can be adjusted in twelve different levels

  • Magnetic belt holders for getting in and out of the car seat easily
  • 好康評價

  • Cover can be machine washed at 30°C

  • Size: L 72 x W 44 x H 66 cm

  • Weight: 14 kg

  • Designed and developed in Germany




Cybex兒童安全座椅Sirona M2 i-Size不含底座










劉樂妍揮舞國旗網狂酸 舉3點自豪:我和周子瑜不一樣!

Just Do It 耐吉邀NFL抗議人物代言

「Just Do It」是運動用品大廠耐吉(Nike Inc)的經典廣告口號,今年是推出的第30年。耐吉決定找來前職業美式足球聯盟(NFL)明星球員卡珀尼克(Colin Kaepernick)擔任代言人之一。這個舉動,預料將會惹得美國總統川普不高興。


耐吉的發言人卡瑞昂-約翰(Sandra Carreon-John)表示:「柯林(卡珀尼克)自2011年以來一直是耐吉簽約的運動員。他是『Just Do It』30週年紀念活動的代言運動員之一。」

卡瑞昂-約翰表示,耐吉在上星期公布系列活動,其中包括一部關於網球天后小威廉絲(Serena Williams)的影片,主題為「信念之聲」(Voice of Belief)。小威廉絲日前才公開聲援卡珀尼克,認為所有人都應感謝卡珀尼克為抗議種族歧視和社會不公所做的一切。

根據耐吉公布的影像,其它代言這項活動的運動員還包括NFL紐約巨人球員貝克漢二世(Odell Beckham Jr.)、西雅圖海鷹的葛里芬(Shaquem Griffin)、滑板選手貝克(Lacey Baker)、以及美國職籃NBA球星詹姆斯(Lebron James)。

卡珀尼克3日在個人推特和IG帳號上,貼出他個人的黑白照片,標示著耐吉標誌,以及「Just do it」口號,以及標語:「堅定信念。即使這意味必須犧牲一切。」(Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.)。

根據體育專業頻道ESPN的報導,耐吉北美區副總裁菲沙諾提(Gino Fisanotti)表示:「我們認為柯林是這個世代最勵志的運動員之一,他發揮體育的力量幫助世界前進。」ESPN是最早披露耐吉將以卡珀尼克為代言人的媒體。


Cybex兒童安全座椅Sirona M2 i-Size不含底座

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