Dear 楊佬, heard the news last night and was so shocked. Who would have thought of that the dinner togather last May was the last time to get to see you.
As I came to know this web site last night, and spent almost all night reading the blogs on your page, and I came to realize that over the years, you have touched so many hearts, and you have changed so many lifes.
The more I read, the more memory came back to me. On the baseket ball court, at the 宿舍晚會, National Boy Scout Camp, 溪阿, 草嶺, an on and on and on. They all seem yesterday.
In my school days, at any level, and in my son's school days so far, I have never seen or heard a teacher that is so devoted to his students, no just in class or during school time, but even so after school or even after graduations. Neither have I seen a teacher that is so close to his students. As a result of you love and devotion, those who have cross our lifes with you, all feel like a big family now. That is some achievement that not many in this world can accomplish. And I really admire you and thank you for that.
As I read many said that they want to 發揚光大 your spirit, I began to think what is your spirit, and what can I learn from it. I came to the conclusion that I have been so selffish in the past. I need to learn to treat other people better, starting from those we are around me in my life. I need to learm to care about them more, love them more, and give them more. Again, thank you for being such a good model.
Now that you are gone, please rest in peace for you have finished a great race you are a victor. You will be missed
失聯了快30年!三個月前我們才連絡上,接到您的電話,還記得我們互留了手機號碼,相約過年回台南見面,沒想到突然接獲老柴e-mail(也是失聯了2、3年)竟然....,我再也看不到您了,二十幾年前的畢業典禮竟是最後一面,我還能再以"沒有時間回去"推託嗎?為何我沒有早一點回去呢? 為何......,我好後悔!