2011-05-24 21:07:13Tangerine♥


 I tried.

I think I have already done my best,

I don't know if we meet each other in the future or not,

but at least,I am not afraid that the result what I need to face,

because I think I have been stonger than before,

those things,will never blow hit me again.



I bought a ring for myself today,

sounds strange,isn't it?

It's the gife for passing the exam  =)

ㄚ涵涵♥ 2011-05-25 17:51:09

I want necklace I can buy one for you

too! can buy same because I love you


yeah,of course we will~thanks you love. 2011-05-25 22:39:41
黃. 2011-05-24 22:20:37


what is pass gift?!

just a gift for myself XD 2011-05-24 22:24:02
ㄚ涵涵♥ 2011-05-24 22:04:10

why I dont have pass gift?
I SO SAD=(((((((

haha~what do you want?
a necklace or a ring ?
((necklace means "you are my"-///-
we can go to buy that when we go out together~
2011-05-24 22:07:51