2024-06-21 14:55:32流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(1215) I've Got A Tiger By The Tail ( 騎虎難下 )

此曲為美國鄉村歌手Buck Owens and tHe Buckeroos所錄製,1965獲得鄉村榜第1名 ( 熱門榜第25名 ),也是Owens第6首的冠軍曲。此曲於1999進入葛萊美名人堂,為Owens著名的招牌歌之一。

原本,Owens和Harlen Howard一起合作寫歌,但進度有些緩慢。某日,Owens看到了加油站ESSO油品的廣告詞「Put a tiger in your tank」( 意思是讓你的車子動力猛如老虎 ),頓生靈感,而寫成了此首《I've Got A Tiger By The Tail》。


歌曲的大意是男主角以為是找了位溫馴如小羊的女生,哪知恰恰相反是隻猛虎,不僅生活節奏變調,使得體重下降、臉色蒼白 ( 顯然是健康惡化 ),看來是已招架不住。也在警示貪多嚼不爛所帶來的麻煩及過多的浪漫也會是一種痛苦。




I've got a tiger by the tail, it's plain to see
I won't be much when you get through with me
Well, I'm losing weight and turnin' mighty pale
Looks like I've got a tiger by the tail

Well, I thought the day I met you, you were meek as a lamb
Just the kind to fit my dreams and plans
Now, the pace we're livin' takes the wind from my sails
And it looks like I've got a tiger by the tail

I've got a tiger by the tail, it's plain to see
I won't be much when you get through with me
Well, I'm losing weight and turnin' mighty pale
Looks like I've got a tiger by the tail

Well, every night you drag me where the bright lights are found
There ain't no way to slow you down
I'm as 'bout as helpless as a leaf in a gale
And it looks like I've got a tiger by the tail

I've got a tiger by the tail, it's plain to see
I won't be much when you get through with me
Well, I'm losing weight and turnin' mighty pale
Looks like I've got a tiger by the tail