老歌亂談(1109)Till You Say You'll Be Mine
此曲為美國女歌手兼詞曲作家Jackie DeShannon所寫,並於1963首錄作為另首《When You Walk in the Room》的B面發行。B面的歌曲「通常」不會計入排行榜的名次,但此曲A面的《When You Walk……》也僅勉強打入告示牌排行榜第99名。
說到Jackie DeShannon,其寫歌的才華毋庸置疑。一般而言,能寫或唱出一首經典暢銷歌曲傳世就很不錯了( 西洋歌曲的「一曲歌王 / 樂團」多得是 ),而Jackie DeShannon卻有多首的知名暢銷曲,除了上述的《When You Walk in the Room》外,還有《Needles and Pins》(1963)、《Bette Davis Eyes》(1981) 等,都是被別人給唱紅,雖然自己也還有幾首像是《Put a Little Love in Your Heart》( # 4 ) 等成績還算可以的歌曲,但整體看來,Jackie DeShannon是一位常「為人作嫁」的「悲情」歌手。
英國樂團翻唱Needles and Pins,成績不錯。
特喜歡翻唱Jackie DeShannon歌曲的英國樂團The Searchers
唱紅Bette Davis Eyes (# 1) 的Kin Karnes,圖右為Bette Davis本尊。
歌曲好不好聽其實是「見仁見智」,也和排行榜的名次無絕對的關係。1965,澳洲甜心女歌手Olivia Newton-John在正式出道前,曾參加電視才藝競賽節目「Sing, Sing, Sing,」,並贏得赴英國發展的機會。此首《Till You Say You'll Be Mine》是Olivia在1966赴英後所錄製的第一首單曲 ( 也是歌唱生涯的首支單曲 ),可惜的是,不僅未打進英國排行榜,也沒能有較佳的樂評,算是「全軍覆沒」,唱片公司之後也未再替她出單曲。直至1971,Olivia才由另家唱片公司發行的《If Not For You》走紅。Olivia之後回顧此曲時曾說:聲音聽起來就像是在浴室錄製的。
從Jackie DeShannon的原唱到Olivia Newton-John的翻唱,歌曲的音效安排實在是頗不理想,也或許是想學Phil Spector著名的「wall of sound (類似撞到牆的回音)」而不成,但歌曲的節奏很棒,是令人懷念的60年代。
I don't care if the sky is pretty blue
I don't care if the sun comes shining through
It really doesn't matter, baby
My heart keeps crying
Oh, life means nothing till you say you'll be mine
Until you say you'll give all your love to me
Ain't nothing in this world that can make me happy
I just got to have you for my own
My heart keeps crying
Oh, life means nothing till you say you'll be mine
Every night I pray that we can
Someday walk hand-in-hand down the aisle
But I guess I'll have to wait and see
Oh, this waiting is killing me
I'm no child
I don't care if I had all the money in the world
It just wouldn't matter if I wasn't your girl, baby
There's only one thing that will stop my heart from crying
The day you tell me that you'll be mine
I'll be so happy the day you tell me that you'll be mine