老歌亂談(1107)Hold My Hand
1986由湯姆‧克魯斯主演的電影《捍衛戰士》曾經在全球造成轟動,不僅締造了5億多美元的票房,也連帶掀起雷朋 ( Ray Ban ) 太陽眼鏡及飛行夾克的熱賣,及激起大批的美國青年報考空軍,欲一圓壯志凌霄的夢想。﹝註:雷朋太陽眼鏡基本上是屬海軍(含飛行員)喜歡的配件,空軍飛行員則通常是戴略方型的AO眼鏡。﹞
Ray Ban ↑ AO ↓
台長我年輕時也曾有過飛行夢,唯由於命運的安排始終未能如願。在艦艇服役期間曾多次和空軍演訓 ( 擔任無線電空管官 ),某次操演來了兩架F5,訓練課目為「反飛彈射擊訓練」,內容是「飛機模擬為飛彈對艦艇俯衝攻擊,而艦砲則對之追瞄(不射擊)」。我曾告知飛行員俯衝時可儘量靠近艦艇,而未料到的是,飛機最後通過艦艇舷側時,高度比船的桅杆還低,破空聲相當的震撼,坦白說,連空管官的我都嚇了一跳。這位飛官真的是藝高人膽大,若機頭拉起得慢些,恐就要吃海水了,也或許這位老兄已太久未享受過「超低空」飛行了。另,台長也曾在台中清泉崗球場遇過飛機起降,看著飛機從不遠處低空掠過,感覺也很過癮。
在影迷盼望了30多年後,《捍衛戰士》續集《Top Gun: Maverick (獨行俠)》終於來了,影片如何尚不知,但由Lady Gaga演唱的電影主題曲已先釋出,有了Gaga的助陣,電影也會有多一些的賣點吧!
Top Gun
To tell me you need me
Hold my hand, everything will be okay
I heard from the heavens that clouds have been grey
Pull me close, wrap me in your aching arms
I see that you're hurtin', why'd you take so long
To tell me you need me? I see that you're bleeding
You don't need to show me again
But if you decide to, I'll ride in this life with you
I won't let go 'til the end
So cry tonight
But don't you let go of my hand
You can cry every last tear
I won't leave 'til I understand
Promise me, just hold my hand
Raise your head, look into my wishful eyes
That fear that's inside you will lift, give it time
I can see everything you're blind to now
Your prayers will be answered, let God whisper how
To tell me you need me, I see that you're bleeding
You don't need to show me again
But if you decide to, I'll ride in this life with you
I won't let go 'til the end
So cry tonight
But don't you let go of my hand
You can cry every last tear
I won't leave 'til I understand
Promise you'll just hold my hand
Hold my hand, hold my—
Hold my hand, my hand
I'll be right here, hold my hand
Hold my hand, hold my—
Hold my hand, my hand
I'll be right here, hold my hand
I know you're scared and your pain is imperfect
But don't you give up on yourself
I've heard a story, a girl, she once told me
That I would be happy again
Hold my hand
Hold my hand
Hold my hand, hold my hand
Hold my hand, hold my hand
Hold my hand
I heard from the heavens