2019-10-29 07:04:22流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(951)After the Thrill is Gone

老鷹合唱團 ( Eagles ) 成軍於1972,但直到1975 / Mar才以一首《Best of My Love》攻下了告示牌流行榜的冠軍寶座。同年6月,發行了該團第4張的錄音室專輯《One of This Night》,這張專輯可大大的不一樣了,不僅專輯和同名的單曲分別獲得專輯榜和流行榜的冠軍,另首《Lyin' Eyes》還替樂團拿下了一坐「最佳流行歌曲演唱團體」的葛萊美獎,樂團也自此一飛沖天,躍上了國際流行音樂的舞台。

此首《After the Thrill is Gone》也是前述專輯中的歌曲,由於未另發行單曲而沒有排行榜的亮眼成績 ( 專輯中另首《Take It to the Limit》則是 No 4 ),感覺此曲有些被忽略了,卻仍難掩其為「遺珠」的耀眼光彩,也是許多「鷹迷」喜歡的歌曲之一。

此曲仍是主唱Glenn Frey和鼓手Don Henley倆人共同的傑作,是由意識到黑人歌手B.B. King的一首《The Thrill is Gone》而寫。當時的「老鷹」才初嚐到了成功的滋味,卻已開始自省,知道像這樣的激情感覺遲早是會退卻的,而然後呢?( 所以,應該更保持「平常心」吧!) 歌詞中的最後一句:You don't care about winning but you don't want to lose,有人認為道盡了整首歌的精神,也是許多人的人生奮鬥動力吧!

亂談(283)Lyin' Eyes

Same dances in the same old shoes
Some habits that you just can't lose
There's no telling what a man might use
After the thrill is gone

The flame rises but it soon descends
Empty pages and a frozen pen
You're not quite lovers and you're not quite friends
After the thrill is gone oh
After the thrill is gone

What can you do when your dreams come true
And it's not quite like you planned?
What have you done to be losing the one
You held it so tight in your hand well

Time passes and you must move on,
Half the distance takes you twice as long
So you keep on singing for the sake of the song
After the thrill is gone

You're afraid you might fall out of fashion
And you're feeling cold and small
Any kind of love without passion
That ain't no kind of lovin' at all, well

Same dances in the same old shoes
You get too careful with the steps you choose
You don't care about winning but you don't want to lose
After the thrill is gone
After the thrill is gone
After the thrill is gone, oh
After the thrill is gone