2019-03-29 14:50:09流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(909)One Night

美國節奏藍調歌手Smiley Lewis於1956發行了一首《One Night of Sin》,成績不差,在告示牌R&B排行榜獲得第11名。1957,貓王Elvis Presley翻唱此曲,但因歌詞影射到買春,貓王的經理和唱片公司均持保留的態度,故此版本直到貓王過世後的1983才又被挖出來發行。

歌曲雖然被公司hold住,而貓王對此曲並未死心,決定將部份歌詞改寫 ( 主要是將One night of sin is what I'm now paying for 改為 One night with you is what I'm now praying for.),歌名則改成《One Night》( 另也有稱之為《One Night With You》),歌詞修改後,貓王

人在失戀之後,往往會做出一些不理智的行為,像是喝的爛醉、或是隨便和人發生一夜情 ( 呵呵,好像歐美電影中常會出現的情節 ),但第二天清醒後,多半都會懊悔吧!

One night with you
Is what I'm now praying for
The things that we two could plan
Would make my dreams come true

Just call my name
And I'll be right by your side
I want your sweet helping hand
My loves too strong to hide

Always lived, very quiet life
I ain't never did no wrong
Now I know that life without you
Has been too lonely too long

One night with you
Is what I'm now praying for
The things that we two could plan
Would make my dreams come true

Always lived, very quiet life
I ain't never did no wrong
Now I know that life without you
Has been too lonely too long

One night with you
Is what I'm now praying for
The things that we two could plan
Would make my dreams come true