2019-04-04 10:59:46流浪阿狗
老歌亂談(910)He's a Rebel

此首《He's a Rebel》本來是要寫給美國黑人女子團體The Shirelles的,但由於該團體當時的聲望下滑,因而被交給另位女歌手Vikki Carr,作為她出道的單曲首發炮。而這事被另家唱片公司的老闆兼製作人Phil Spector知道了,由於之前聽過此曲的「示範帶」,認定這會是首暢銷曲,決意要讓旗下的女子團體The Crystals來翻唱,且欲搶在Vikki Carr之前上市銷售。但問題是,當時The Crystals正在3000哩外的紐約巡演,無法立即趕回錄音,Phil Spector靈機一動,找了洛杉磯當地的女子團體The Blossoms來錄唱,而卻是以The Crystals的名義來發行。
雖然當時紐約的某位DJ,注意到正在巡演的The Crystals因時空問題,認為此曲的發行有些蹊蹺,但無確切證據,又各當事人也都「緊閉雙唇」,故此「醜聞」當時並未爆發,直到2000年後才由Darlene Love、LaLa Brooks等各自向音樂媒體證實。
歌名的Rebel有「叛逆者」( 浪子?) 的意思,許多女生就是喜歡那種外表看來壞壞的男生。叛逆小子最典型的代表人物,當屬銀幕上的James Dean ( 詹姆斯‧狄恩 ) 了,可惜他英年早逝。台長最近在看大陸劇《正陽門下》,劇中的男主角韓春明 ( 朱亞文飾 ),也有點那麼個味道。朱亞文目前在大陸是當紅的小生,粉絲稱這位帥哥為「變態帥」,可見雖為離經叛道或是特立獨行的人物,也還是會有愛慕者的。
亂談(659) Christmas ( Baby Please Come Home )
亂談(326)Then He Kissed Me
See the way he walks down the street
Watch the way he shuffles his feetMy, he holds his head up high
When he goes walking by, he's my guy
When he holds my hand, I'm so proud
'Cause he's not just one of the crowd
My baby's always the one to try
the things they've never done
And just because of that, they say
He's a rebel and he'll never ever be any good
He's a rebel 'cause he never ever does what he should
But just because he doesn't do what everybody else does
That's no reason why I can't give him all my love
He's always good to me, always treats me tenderly
'Cause he's not a rebel, oh, no, no, no
He's not a rebel, oh, no, no, no, to me
If they don't like him that way
They won't like me after today
I'll be standing right by his side when they say
He's a rebel and he'll never ever be any good
He's a rebel 'cause he never ever ever does what he should
Just because he doesn't do what everybody else does
That's no reason why we can't share a love
He's always good to me, good to him, I try to be
'Cause he's not a rebel, oh, no, no, no
He's not a rebel, oh, no, no, no, to me
Oh, he's not a rebel, oh, no, no, no
He's not a rebel, oh, no, no, no
He's not a rebel, oh, no, no, no
He's not a rebel, oh, no, no, no
He's not a rebel, oh, no, no, no
He's not a rebel, oh, no, no, no
He's not a rebel, oh, no, no, no
He's not a rebel, oh, no, no, no