2017-02-25 16:52:55流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(680)Let's Pretend

說到英國歌手兼演員的LuLu,大家首先會想到的應該是1967年由Sidney Poitier ( 薛尼鮑迪 ) 主演的電影《To Sir, With Love》( 台譯:吾愛吾師 )。LuLu不僅參與影片的演出,她在片尾向老師獻唱的電影同名曲,也讓她因此一炮而紅。

其實Lulu出道甚早,14歲 ( 1962 ) 時就在俱樂部演唱,被俱樂部的老闆Tony Gordon發掘並推薦給他的妹妹Marion Massey,Massey簽下了LuLu ( 也從此展開了倆人長達25年的經紀關係 )。1964,在Massey的協助下,LuLu 簽進了Decca唱片公司,發行了一首翻唱自The Isley Brothers合唱團體的《Shout》,此時的她雖然還不到16歲,但卻具有低沉成熟的嗓音,此曲拿下了英國排行榜的第7名,應該算是她出道的成名曲。

1966,LuLu離開了她的專屬樂團The Luvvers開始單飛,並轉入Columbia唱片公司旗下。1967,翻唱Neil Diamond的《The Boat That I Row》,又重回了英國排行榜 ( # 6 )。同年,演出前述的電影《To Sir, With Love》後,其實唱片公司並不看好這首電影主題曲,雖然在美國也發行了單曲,但只是作為《The Boat That I Row》的B面墊檔歌曲,但偏偏許多電台DJ就是喜歡B面的歌曲,使得《To Sir, With Love》最後在告示牌蟬聯了5週的冠軍。在英國,則是作為這首《Let's Pretend》的B面,但也獲得了英國排行榜第11名的佳績。歌曲爆紅,LuLu也因而成為了國際級的歌手藝人。


I only live because you love me
I'd die the day you say goodbye
I wanna hear you say you love me
Even though it's a lie

Let's pretend
Things are like they were before the end
Let's pretend
We're still lovers and not just friend

Trick my mind with a light on your lips
Fool my feeling with your fingertips
Cheat my soul with a promise you'll break
Keep me dreaming I don't want to wake
And let's pretend, let's pretend

I'm only happy when you're near me
And if you haven't learned it by now
It doesn't matter if you love me
I've got to have you somehow

Let's pretend
Things are like they were before the end
Let's pretend
We're still lovers and not just friend

Trick my mind with a light on your lips
Fool my feeling with your fingertips
Cheat my soul with a promise you'll break
Keep me dreaming I don't want to wake
And let's pretend, let's pretend
Let's pretend, let's pretend, let's pretend