2016-07-04 19:58:10流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(597)Everybody's Somebody's Fool

出生於1938的義裔美籍女歌手Connie Francis,也是從青少年時即參加各類的歌唱才藝表演和比賽,17歲時和MGM ( 米高梅 ) 唱片公司簽約,兩年內出了近10首單曲,而市場的反應一直不佳,眼看唱片公司已不擬再續約,結果合約的最後一首單曲為翻唱自1923的老歌《Who's Sorry Now?》,卻出乎意料的在英、美排行榜拿下了第1及第4名,奇蹟式的讓她從谷底翻身。

續約後的Francis雖然又發行了兩首單曲,唯其中一首停滯在36名,另首則根本未入榜,情況再度陷入低潮。此時,Francis認識了Neil Sedaka和一起合作的寫歌者Howard Greenfield,並拿到了一首《Stupid Cupid》,此曲再次成為了Francis的熱門曲 ( Uk #1,US #14 )。有了這次美好的合作經驗,Francis繼續向Howard Greenfield邀歌。

Sedaka (中) Greenfield (左) & ConnieFrancis

這首《Everybody's Somebody's Fool》是Howard Greenfield ( 詞 ) 和Jack Keller ( 曲 ) 所合寫,原本是要交由藍調歌手Laverne Baker來唱,壓根兒沒有考慮過Francis。由於Francis的父親赴歐洲旅遊時,發現西部鄉村歌曲在當地大受歡迎,故Francis提出要將此曲改為西部鄉村曲風。當Howard Greenfield將此意見告知Jack Keller,Jack Keller除了瞠目結舌,聳聳肩後還是儘量地配合,甚至加了電風琴的前奏,使曲風更有些趨近的實際感受。

此曲在1960推出,卻只是另首《Jealous of You》的B面,但電台DJ偏偏就愛播放此曲,使得此曲一躍成為告示牌熱門榜的冠軍曲,也是Francis在美國排行榜的第一首冠軍曲。


The tears I cry for you, could fill an ocean.
But you don't care how many tears I cry.
And though you only lead me on and hurt me.
I couldn't bring myself to say goodbye.

Cause everybody's somebody's fool.
Everybody's somebody's plaything.
And there are no exceptions to the rule.
Yes, everybody's somebody's fool.

I told myself it's best that I forget you
Though I'm a fool at least I know the score
Yet darlin' I'd be twice as blue without you
It hurts but I come runnin' back for more

Cause everybody's somebody's fool.
Everybody's somebody's plaything.
And there are no exceptions to the rule.
Yes, everybody's somebody's fool.

Someday you'll find someone you really care for.
And if her love should prove to be untrue.
You'll know how much this heart of mine is breaking.
You'll cry for her the way i've cried for you.

Yes, everybody's somebody's fool.
Everybody's somebody's plaything.
And there are no exceptions to the rule.
Yes, everybody's somebody's fool.