2016-05-13 17:02:24流浪阿狗
老歌亂談(576)Handle with Care
1988,George Harrison邀Jeff Lynne、Roy Orbison等好友 ( Tom Petty為臨時加入 ),聚集在Bob Dylan位於加州Santa Monica的家中 ( 有一間錄音室 ),準備要替他的《This Is Love》錄一首B面歌曲。彼時,Harrison瞥見房間角落有一個裝樂器的紙箱貼著「Handle with Care」的警語,當下就決定用此作為歌名。經幾個人集思廣益、三弄兩弄,這首《Handle with Care》就出爐了。但唱片公司認為,這首歌相當不錯,用作墊底歌曲可惜了。經此鼓勵,眾人也覺得彼此間合作愉快,決定共同來出一張專輯,這也是Traveling Wilburys這個超級樂隊組成的緣起。
此曲之後成為Traveling Wilburys 1988專輯《Traveling Wilburys Vol. 1》的首支曲目,也是該樂團在所有發行單曲中最為成功的一首。僅管當時只達到熱門排行榜第45名,而在懷舊的回顧上,獲得「全美音樂」撰稿人Matthew Greenwald高度的肯定,認為此曲為80年代最令人難忘的歌曲之一,除了George Harrison的主歌,Roy Orbison 和 Bob Dylan的兩段接唱亦極具特色。
從表面看,歌曲是一名男子對新交女友表達的一些內心話。「Handle with care」的意思是「小心輕放」,我不太了解西方文化,對於一個男人會向對方說出「Handle me with care」,不知是太「搖擺」還是太「娘」了一些。
Been beat up and battered 'round
Been sent up and I've been shot down
You're the best thing that I've ever found
Handle me with care
Reputations changeable
Situations tolerable
But baby, you're adorable
Handle me with care
I'm so tired of being lonely
I still have some love to give
Won't you show me
That you really care?
Everybody's got somebody
To lean on
Put your body next to mine
And dream on
I've been fobbed off and I've been fooled
I've been robbed and ridiculed
In Daycare Centers and night schools
Handle me with care
Been stuck in airports, terrorized
Sent to meetings, hypnotized
Overexposed, commercialized
Handle me with care
I'm so tired of being lonely
I still have some love to give
Won't you show me
That you really care?
Everybody got somebody
To lean on
Put your body next to mine
And dream on
I've been uptight and made a mess
But I'll clean it up myself, I guess
Oh, the sweet smell of success
Handle me with care
呵呵呵呵! 2016-05-14 03:54:17