2016-03-22 15:28:22流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(559)Sing Me Back Home

出生於1937年的美國鄉村歌手Merle Haggard,8歲時喪父,又因家庭疏於管教而淪為不良少年,曾兩度出入少年感化觀護所。後再因搶劫罪於1957入聖昆丁監獄 ( San Quentin Prison ) 服刑。1958,知名鄉村歌手Johnny Cash至獄中演唱,此舉也讓Merle Haggard決定重拾吉他 ( 他於1956曾有公開客串演唱的記錄 ),之後除了在獄中為獄友演唱,1960出獄後也正式邁向其音樂之路。

Johnny Cash在聖昆丁監獄演唱

Merle Haggard早期的歌曲,許多的主題都與「監獄」有關。這首《Sing Me Back Home》講的是一位綽號「rabbit」的獄友,因越獄而導致一名警衛死亡。後被判處死刑,當被典獄官帶往要執行途經他的牢房時,要求再聽他唱一首歌,讓他能夠回憶起在闖蕩江湖前那段美好的家庭時光,然後就真的要上路「回老家」了。

此曲為Merle Haggard於1967發行的同名專輯主打歌,也是他第三首的鄉村冠軍曲。以下所貼為另位鄉村歌手Don Williams的版本,之前也曾介紹過Don Williams的《I Recall a Gypsy Woman》


The warden led a prisoner down the hallway to his doom
And I stood up to say good-bye like all the rest
And I heard him tell the warden just before he reached my cell
"Let my guitar-playing friend do my request"
Let him sing me back home with a song I used to hear
Make my old memories come alive
Take me away and turn back the years
Sing me back home before I die
I recall last Sunday morning a choir from 'cross the street
Came in to sing a few old gospel songs
And I heard him tell the singers "there's a song my mama sang
Could I hear once before you move along?"
Won't you sing me back home, with the song I used to hear
Make my old memories come alive
Take me away and turn back the years
Sing me back home before I die

免費小遊戲 2016-04-21 11:38:22


(悄悄話) 2016-03-23 22:14:43
新聞台Blog小天使 2016-03-23 12:32:04


3Q! 2016-03-23 15:02:54