2013-10-07 16:49:58流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(171)My World


不知是從何時開始,有人在發完「全家死光光」的毒誓之後,會再加上一句「全家就是你家」。雖然這個「梗」一點都不好笑,但類似的文字遊戲,早在Bee Gees 合唱團1972年的這首《My World》的歌詞中就有了----
My world is our world,and this world is your world,and your world is my world,and my world is your world is mine。


主唱這首歌的Robin Gibb,是Bee Gees三兄弟中的雙胞胎之一,2005還曾來台灣開演唱會。2010年八月被診斷出罹癌,經過長時間努力與癌症對抗,仍舊不敵病魔---colorectal cancer ( 直腸癌?),在2012年5月辭世,享年62歲。而他的同胞胎弟弟 Maurice,早在他之前的2003因twisted intestine ( 腸扭曲?)病逝。如今,舞台上的Gibb家族只剩下大哥Barry一人,Bee Gees同台的畫面也已成為絕響了。



Don't shed a tear for me
No, it's not your style
If you're not here by me
Then it's not worth while

My world is our world
And this world is your world
And your world is my world
And my world is your world is mine

I've been crying
I'm lonely
What do I do to have you stay
I've needed you
To cry on
I've written to you nearly ev'ry day


Don't shed a tear for me
That's not your style
If you're not here by me
Then it's not worth while