2013-05-15 16:17:10流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(九十九)Do You Want To Know A Secret

在我的印象中,披頭合唱團的主奏吉他手George Harrison(喬治哈里遜),很少擔任歌曲的主唱,原因大概是大家認為他的歌喉不夠好(相對於LennonMcCartney),但同為團員,也總不能完全不給他表現的機會,所以這首歌雖然是Lennon-McCartney(藍儂和麥卡尼)共同所作,或也因為歌曲難度不高,就讓給哈里遜來唱了。哈里遜也很爭氣,這首歌於1964在告示牌排行榜到達了第二名,也是哈里遜掛名主唱第一首進入前十名的歌曲。


藍儂說他作這首歌的靈感是來自他還是孩童時,他母親唱給他聽電影「白雪公主和七矮人」中的曲子。由於這首歌的歌詞淺顯易懂,也是當年我很喜歡的一首歌。ListenDo you want to know a secret?Do you promise not to tell?哈哈,您這輩子又曾保守住過多少秘密呢?



You'll never know how much I really love you.
You'll never know how much I really care.

Do you want to know a secret?,
Do you promise not to tell?, whoa oh, oh.

Let me whisper in your ear,
Say the words you long to hear,
I'm in love with you.

Do you want to know a secret?,
Do you promise not to tell?, whoa oh, oh.

Let me whisper in your ear,
Say the words you long to hear,
I'm in love with you.

I've known the secret for a week or two,
Nobody knows, just we two.

Do you want to know a secret?,
Do you promise not to tell?, whoa oh, oh.

Let me whisper in your ear,
Say the words you long to hear,
I'm in love with you.



(悄悄話) 2013-05-16 22:01:54