2012-12-19 14:43:24流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(十一)Angel Of The Morning




大約是196768年左右,我第一次看到愛克遜(The Action)合唱團上電視,若沒記錯的話,當時貝司手譚健常唱的是Beatles的《Rock And Roll Music》,而主唱蘇芮唱的就是這首《Angel Of The Morning》,我認為她選歌選得很好,以她的嗓音來說非常適合。


奇怪的是,早前我聽譚健常唱西洋歌曲感覺很不錯,但前些年看他在某個選舉晚會上唱自己寫的國語歌的影音,實在很 不怎麼樣。哈哈!這或許也是有些歌手未轉唱國語歌的原因吧。不過,譚健常小軒夫妻兩人所作的歌,我覺得幾乎每一首都好聽,也是我認為的「鬼才」之一。



There'll be no strings to bind your hands
Not if my love can't bind your heart
And there's no need to take a stand
For it was I who chose to start
I see no reason to take me home
I'm old enough to face the dawn

Just call me angel of the morning, Angel
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby
Just call me angel of the morning, Angel
Then slowly turn away... from me

Maybe the sun's light will be dim
And it won't matter anyhow
If morning's echo says we've sinned
Well, it was what I wanted now
And if we're the victims of the night
I won't be blinded by light

Just call me angel of the morning, Angel
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby
Just call me angel of the morning, Angel
Then slowly turn away...
I won't beg you to stay... with me...
Through the tears... of the day....
Of the years... baby, baby --

Just call me angel of the morning, Angel
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby
Just call me angel of the morning, Angel
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby....