2019-04-28 23:50:31syqsi4kgyuwu

【團購熱門產品】Easywalker Stroller Harvey 2 網友超推網路人氣產品top10



今天幫大家比價的商品是Easywalker Stroller Harvey 2


如果您有購買Easywalker Stroller Harvey 2










Easywalker Stroller Harvey 2 設計式樣: coral green · 2019

The stroller Harvey 2 provides a pleasant ride on all surfaces as well as with a number of spec周年慶刷卡購買優惠ial features you won't want to miss in everyday life with a baby.

The Harvey 2 is not only a stylish buggy, you can easily remove the seat unit and convert the buggy into a full-fledged stroller by using adaptors and a carrycot. In addition to this, you can attach almost all standard infant car seats to the chassis by using adaptors and thus transform the Harvey 2 into a convenient travel system. That way, you and your little adventurer can explore both city and country right from birth. (Infant car seat and carrycot are not included.)

With its low weight of only 10.8 kg, Harvey 2 is a true lightweight. It folds up compactly, with or without the seat unit. Due to special adaptors, you can easily adjust the height of both seat unit and carrycot. The push bar is also height adjustable.

The seat unit that can be adjusted in four different levels provides your child with plenty of comfort and relaxation during the exciting ride. The footrest of the Harvey 2 is also adjustable - that way, your little adventurer can also put his legs up in between times.

The 5-point harness keeps your little passenger safe in the seat and protects him or her from falling out.

Depending on your mood, you can attach the seat unit in either a forward-facing or rear-facing mode.

The large shopping basket offers enough space for purchases and all the necessities and niceties needed when being out and about with your little one.

If there is a new baby on the way, you can easily convert the Harvey 2 into a double stroller by using adaptors and other accessories.


  • Convenient handling

  • Can be converted from single stroller to double stroller

  • Can be used as a travel system

  • Low weight: 10.8 kg

  • Compact folding size

  • Comfortable driving experience

  • Seat unit, carrycot and push bar are height-adjustable

  • Seat unit can be reversed and adjusted in four different levels

  • Adjustable footrest

  • Large, easily accessible shopping basket

  • Thanks to adaptors, Harvey 2 is compatible with almost all common infant car seats (Maxi-Cosi, Cybex, Kiddy, BeSafe)




Easywalker Stroller Harvey 2






國人過年平均肥2kg 營養師點出關鍵減脂時機

郭納德訪至孝篤親公所 重申反對廢SHSAT

紐約州第22選區參議員民主黨參選人郭納德(Andrew Gounardes),6日拜訪曼哈頓華埠紐約至孝篤親公所,表示自己自公校畢業,若市府能從基礎改變公校系統,就能解決程度不均問題,讓紐約市每個學校都成為培育優秀人才的搖籃。他也重申若當選,將爭取教育經費,同時反對廢除特殊高中入學考試(SHSAT)。

第22選區包括布碌崙(布魯克林)的貝瑞吉(Bay Ridge)、班森賀(Bensonhurst)、戴克高地(Dyker Heights)等華人聚集地,全區人口高達25%為華人,是該選區最大族裔。

郭納德此次是第二度挑戰該區現任州參議員高頓(Marty Golden),他表示,若能當選,將針對教育、行人安全、地鐵、小商家等議題,提出改善措施。


另外包括測速照相機(speed camera)法案過期、布碌崙南區地鐵以及振興小商家發展等,也是他的政見重點。



Easywalker Stroller Harvey 2

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