2013-05-14 03:00:00天光











Sad, shocking jolt to happy PH-Taiwan ties
Published on 10 May 2013 

THE people of Taiwan and the Philippines, their civil societies, business communities and social, educational and cultural institutions, have been the closest of friends and collaborators—even despite the break of diplomatic relations
between the Philippine Republic and the Republic of China (ROC) when the Philippines recognized the communist-party-ruled People’s Republic of China (PRC).

Some of the most successful business and industrial cooperation projects in our country are those with Taiwan investors. Taiwan is host to more than 41,400 Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs). Many of these will soon benefit from Taiwan’s raising of the minimum wage to the equivalent of P26,180.00.

Despite the absence of diplomatic relations, people-to-people, institution-to-institution and even some quasi-government-to-government activities between Taiwan and the Philippines have cemented the personal solidarity of Filipinos with the people of Taiwan. These are mostly Han Chinese. There are, however, native people of Taiwan who are not Han Chinese but who now bear Chinese names. The Alishan Mountain people are ethnically and culturally related to our own people of the Cordilleras. 

As in, and with, Japan, Korea and other Asian (including Asean) countries, as well as many other countries that are United Nations members, Taiwan maintains a kind of diplomatic presence in the Philippines through an unofficial agency. This is the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in the Philippines. The Philippines maintains a similar presence in Taiwan through an agency called the Manila Economic and Cultural Office (MECO).

Most of the time, our ties with Taiwan and its people have been nothing less than happy. These ties are now being shockingly jolted by the tragedy that is the subject of one of our front page stories today, “Coast Guard kills Taiwan fisherman; diplomatic row looms.”

The Philippine Coast Guard officials have acknowledged that some of its armed and uniformed men shot the Taiwan fishing vessel. 

It disturbs us, however, to learn that Taiwan authorities are saying that the fishing vessel in which the 65-year-old Taiwan fisherman, the father of the boat’s skipper, sustained 32 bullet holes. They are also saying that the Filipino CG men’s story—that they had to fire in self-defense because the fishing boat was going to ram the CG-manned Fisheries and Agriculture ship—is most likely a lie because the boat is too small and the BFAR ship is much bigger. The Philippine CG authorities have promised to investigate the event transparently and thoroughly and to relieve the CG men involved of their duties and place them in detention while the probe is going on.

Expectedly, President Benigno Aquino 3rd has defended the CG men’s action against “the aggressive act” of the Taiwan fishing boat.

In Taiwan, the media have been attacking the Philippines and us Filipinos. Fishermen have demonstrated against us. President Ma Ying-jeou has instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to demand that the Philippine government investigate the incident and compensate the family of the fatality. President Ma also demanded an apology from the Philippine government and that Filipino authorities “solve the case and arrest the culprits.” Taiwan’s foreign minister was described in news reports as “very angry.” 

Chinas’ official news agency, Xinhua, delivered a broadside against the Philippines and described the Coast Guard’s killing of the fisherman as a “barbaric act.”

Philippine probe must be transparent and credible
There have been previous incidents of Taiwan fishing parties apprehended by Philippine Coast Guard men for poaching in Philippine waters but there was never a shooting like this.

The incident happened northwest of Batanes and Southwest of Taiwan in waters of the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea to Beijing and to Taipei). In these waters, Taiwan claims that the Exclusive Economic Zones of the two countries overlap.

Definitely if the Filipinos and their government don’t want to lose the friendship, business, investment and tourist arrivals of Taiwan, the authorities must investigate the incident rigorously, honestly and transparently. We Filipinos must be willing to punish the CG men if they committed a crime and failed to observe the prescribed rules of engagement.

The Philippine investigation must be better and more credible than the one that will be held by the Taiwan parliament beginning Monday. That way, if it is found that our CG men were really only defending themselves, accusations of a cover-up would not be treated seriously.

Something must be done to minimize the possibility of similar tragic incidents—or even just the unpleasant episodes of Philippine authorities arresting Taiwan fishermen.

A MECO-TECO agreement is necessary
We urge our government to enter into an agreement with Taiwan—through a kind of treaty signed by the heads of our MECO and Taiwan’s TECO—for the joint and collaborative exploitation of the seas located in our overlapping EEZs. Such an agreement was forged between Taiwan and Japan last April over the waters surrounding the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea.

TECO and MECO have signed other agreements before.

There should also be one to promote peace and mutual benefit in those parts of the West Philippine Sea that Taiwan, while not a UN member, can also validly claim to be within its EEZ.




















圖:廣達興事發地點示意-3 (來源:中時電子報)

圖:廣大興事發地點示意-4 (來源:環球網)




Guest -(路人甲,不確定是否真的是菲國人民)
This is not just a simple happening! This will have a huge impact for all of the Filipinos working in China,Taiwan, Hong Kong and even the tourism in our country. I hope the Philippine Coast Guard can give a very satisfactory explanation for their actions. Think first before acting! I know they just wanted to defend our territory but they should never attack first. If we truly believe we are the true owners of the disputed island then we should not be the aggressor but rather bring the case to the proper court and settle things like educated human beings and not be like barbarians!



rudy2013  −(對一名台灣或中國留言者的回應))
it is you being so greedy that your fishermens already entering our territory. did you ever thought if our coast guards caught this fishermen inside your territory, do you think there will be no commotion between your coast guards and ours? think you have a so called high tech radar systems knowing the costal boundaries? (if not you might be attacked by your Big Mama China), of course you have... you just making things big by making too much lies like your mother country China... No one believes you now. Japan and the rest of Asia, doesn't care... because its just a case of few people makes greedy, tempered and mistakes...

there is a reason why they have fired... we know our kababayans... you just reach that level that this guys cannot tolerate already...



Nigel Elero  (對一名台灣或中國留言者的回應)
it's not in "north of the Taiwan-Philippine midpoint line" territory.. they are clearly inside the territory of Philippines..they intruded 300 kilometers inside Philippine sea..you know exactly the location of Balintang Channel? it's in the south of Philippines islands of Siayan, Itbayat,Diogo,Batanes, Sabtang, Ibuhos, Dequey and cross to Luzon Strait before finally reach to Balintang Island..They are in Luzon Ridge..Kindly check the google map..

此段說案發地點並非「台灣與菲國海域中線」,而是已經侵入到菲國領海內達300公里遠,四周有多個菲律賓島嶼領土,包含Siayan, Itbayat,Diogo,Batanes, Sabtang, Ibuhos, Dequey,  Balintang等島嶼。


fred federico −

that's just a start..any nationality who does not respect Philippine territory would be treated as such..- intruders..Taiwanese illegal fishermen- that's a lesson. for you..if the Phil. Coast Guard is "barbaric" enough like the sensationalist Chinese media is saying, that fishing boat would have sunk by now, and all the crew taken prisoner, or worse, dead., that we can declare them "missing".



















2013-05-13 下午4:44 初稿 05-14 修

天光 2020-08-10 15:46:56

儘管如此,兩社立場仍有不同,臺方中立報導僅三分之一,菲方已達三分之二(38.8% 比 66.7%);而臺方的利己正面框架也將近菲方二倍(33.7% 比17.9%)。畢竟菲方作為被譴責對象,故中立報導更多,利己正面報導更少,相對保守與冷靜。相形之下,臺方身為聲討者,保護自我的立場就較為明顯了。


天光 2013-05-14 15:29:04












