2003-02-14 14:19:03Sophie X















Open letter to President Bush WAR ON IRAQ?

Going to war, any war, is always a step back. A failure for democracy, development and understanding: a defeat for the whole of humanity!

We have always been for life and against violence, but particularly since 11 September 2001. However, the belligerent attitude of the US towards Iraq threatens the foundations of world co-existence and international law. These are foundations that began to be laid after two world wars and under US leadership precisely to prevent war in the future.

Despite the efforts of the UN and several states to moderate the US tendency towards unilateral action - Security Council Resolution 1441 reopened the path towards a diplomatic solution of the conflict - it appears beyond doubt that, ignoring the results of the UN inspections and the serious objections of many people, institutions and governments all over the world, you are determined to unleash a war against Iraq, one certain to cause even more death, misery and desperation to a people already oppressed, their endurance tested to the very limit.

Despite the disinformation campaigns, the great majority of world public opinion sees no reason for preventive war. Does the US government really believe that it is helping to build a more peaceful and democratic world, a fairer, freer and safer world with disinformation campaigns and preventive wars? Are you deaf to the indignant clamour that rises from all over the planet and from within your own country?

We call on you to remember your great responsibility before history and to use the enormous resources available to you to help humanity recover its faith in itself as your country has done in the past. Do not help spread the harsh message that only economic interests, linked in this case to oil and the war industry, can move the world's powerful to take action and sow more violence poverty and hate around the world. Respond to these problems in a spirit of solidarity, justice and aid. This is what humanity needs and what it expects.

We continue to share and understand the American people's grief and fear over the tragic events of September 11. But the best way to prevent this pain from being repeated and from spreading, to erase the seed of terrorism from the face of the world, is to do the opposite of what your are now doing. We call on you to take a radical change of direction to build peace, justice and development in the world.

Federico Mayor Zaragoza
Noam Chomsky Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mario Soares Fundaçao Mario Soares
Rigoberta Menchú Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
Joseph Rotblat Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
Adolfo Pérez Esquivel Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
Gabriel García Márquez Nobel Prize in Literature
José Saramago Nobel Prize in Literature
Danielle Mitterrand France Libertés
Cora Weiss The Hague Appeal for Peace
Susan George Transnational Institute
Ignasi Carreras Intermón Oxfam - Oxfam International
Roberto Savio Inter Press Service
Alexander Likhotal Green Cross International
Colin Archer International Peace Bureau
Eduardo Estévez Confederación Mundial del Trabajo
Kailash Satyarthi Global March Against Child Labour
Andrew Simms Jubilee
Mohammed Fayek The Arab Organisation for Human Rights
Ángel Strappazzon MOCASE / Vía Campesina
Cornelio Sommaruga Foundation Caux-Initiatives of Change
Kin Chi Lau ARENA Asian Regional Exchange for New Alternatives
Alain Touraine EHESS
Kumi Naidoo CIVICUS
Sara Longwe FEMNET The African Women's Development and Communication Network
Jorge Brovetto Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo
Lois Barber EarthAction
Paul Ortega World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations
Abdullahi An-Na'im Emory University
Jorge Nieto Centro Internacional para la Cultura Democrática
Mary-Wynne Ashford International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
Hazel Henderson Writer
Fèlix Martí Linguapax Institute
Fatma Alloo DAWN Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era - Africa
Anaisabel Prera Fundación para una Cultura de Paz
Arcadi Oliveres Justice and Peace - Europe
Gabriela Cauduro Servicio Justicia y Paz - Latinoamérica
Àngels Mataró Asociación para las Naciones Unidas - España y Latinoamérica
Martí Olivella Alianza para un mundo responsable, plural y solidario
Martha Honey Foreign Policy in Focus
Warren Bell Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment
Raimon Ribera Centre UNESCO de Catalunya
Paiboon Wattanasiritham Community Organizations Development Institute
Gurutz Jáuregui Writer
Josep Maria Fàbregues Coordinadora Catalana de Fundacions
Josep Xercavins UBUNTU Forum Ad Hoc Secretariat

