2012-05-03 21:22:53老鼠人
我兄弟實在很感人,在挑選適合餐廳氛圍的音樂的時候,若發現好東西,總不忘順便介紹適合我脾胃的給我,前陣子他推薦了Alabama Shakes和IRMA,聽了之後真的都好喜歡,真不知是哪來的福氣,朋友們都對我這麼好,謝啦!好在我們兩個比較熟的時候,我和卡爾早定下來了,要不,這麼棒的男人,又一直對我這麼好,說不定就擦出火花,而火花熄滅後就可能從此陌路了,還能當朋友真好,可以見也可以不見,即便是十年後重逢,感覺都還那麼好。
男女之間有沒有純友誼?這問題還蠻見人見智的,但對我而言,沒動心過的才可能做朋友,一旦動過心,要如何不想入非非?雖然還沒實際經驗過,但我應該是辦不到吧,唉……我的確是失去了一個難得的朋友,即便在拒絕我告白的同時都還在機會教育我的大好人,如此睿智又心地善良,希望他早日遇見和他相愛的人, 一起共組幸福美滿的家庭,這樣的好基因真應該繼續傳遞下去,也希望他幫我開啟的人生智慧讓我未來更懂得創造屬於我的幸福。
Boys & Girls – Alabama Shakes
Oh why can't we be
Best friends anymore?
They say friend
Ain't to be
Between a girl and a boy
I don't know who said it
Or why they got to be so wrong
Oh why don't you call?
Don't you care anymore
It's not fair
Don't let 'em get you
They took us both and now I got to fish you
I don't know how to fix you
They say it's just the way it's got to be, but how so?
Is an awful lot of questions
And I can't get no answers
I keep wondering on
Oh why can't you see
That I'm not trying to be
No kind of bother
I'm just trying to save what's left of you and me
And where we left it before they took it
And you know they took it all
And took off
Oh, why ought I let them drive a wedge between us
Well I watched it, and I didn't say nothing
And now I'm crying when I see him
Now, I'm saying, I'm praying to a sweet melody in my song
Is an awful lot of questions
And I can't get no answers
I keep wondering on
I wanna know, who said it
Well who said that, oh Lord
My Friend - IRMA
Am I awake ?
Am I a shape, walking down in a peaceful sleep ?
Did I dream out loud ?
Did I hope too strong that I would reach out to you
My friend ?
When I am cold, and love is gone
I won't be standing on my own
When I am down, I won't lose faith
I'll write a song to you instead, my friend.
For all I know
That's only fate that gathered you around this place
And I stare at you
Feeling so blessed that I got to cross your way
My friend
Oh why can't we be
Best friends anymore?
They say friend
Ain't to be
Between a girl and a boy
I don't know who said it
Or why they got to be so wrong
Oh why don't you call?
Don't you care anymore
It's not fair
Don't let 'em get you
They took us both and now I got to fish you
I don't know how to fix you
They say it's just the way it's got to be, but how so?
Is an awful lot of questions
And I can't get no answers
I keep wondering on
Oh why can't you see
That I'm not trying to be
No kind of bother
I'm just trying to save what's left of you and me
And where we left it before they took it
And you know they took it all
And took off
Oh, why ought I let them drive a wedge between us
Well I watched it, and I didn't say nothing
And now I'm crying when I see him
Now, I'm saying, I'm praying to a sweet melody in my song
Is an awful lot of questions
And I can't get no answers
I keep wondering on
I wanna know, who said it
Well who said that, oh Lord
My Friend - IRMA
Am I awake ?
Am I a shape, walking down in a peaceful sleep ?
Did I dream out loud ?
Did I hope too strong that I would reach out to you
My friend ?
When I am cold, and love is gone
I won't be standing on my own
When I am down, I won't lose faith
I'll write a song to you instead, my friend.
For all I know
That's only fate that gathered you around this place
And I stare at you
Feeling so blessed that I got to cross your way
My friend