2010-06-13 15:08:10O口O

Auckland is awful!!

xx 奧克蘭(要找到能跟"蘭"有韻的字,只有髒話耶~)


既然來了只好用自己的方法囉!一進房就先唸金剛經,有好一點但依然不舒服。我逛了一下這家背包客棧,想找到其他優點讓我想留下來,但是在地下室的廚房(好有中國人的Fu 呀!!)陰暗又小,一點都不想待太久,沒有窗戶的TV房,唯一不錯的角落是在櫃檯旁的交誼室(沒人交誼的交誼室),但只有沙發沒有桌椅。因為實在沒什麼地方可以待,所以我就出門去補吃飯加上找其他住處,還好奧克蘭是大城市,超級多背包客棧的。我找到一間地點不錯,而且很大間的,當然稍微貴一點,但他有桌子椅子可以坐下來寫字耶,這可是什麼都比不上~(現在就是偷跑到人家這裡寫字的)





Auckland is awful!!

This morning I arrived safely.When I got into my backpacker I felt not very well.I thought maybe because of the flight.Then I cheeked in and paid the balance but when I got into the room I heard regular noisy sounds that came from the old building.I thought it must be a water pipe or an air conditioner.I tried to ignore it but I couldn't.

I looked around and tried to find any good reason that could let me stay but there were nothing I could find.Guest kitchen was underground.TV room had no window. The living room that closed to reception was nice but only had sofa. Then I went out to eat and to look for another accommodation. I found one which is also backpacker. It was a bigger one so had more space.(at least had tables and chairs) Of course it cost higher.(520 NZD/7 nights)

Actually one of the staff tried to solve the problem. She wanted me to move to other room but every room had this problem.I asked her could I get any refund if I only stay one night. Even though she also felt there had some sounds that she didn't notice before she said I couldn't get any money because they had the policy and been written on the paper that you had to sign when you checked in. But it was unfair. I was going to stay there but it was really noisy. I stayed one hour in the room and I got a headache. They didn't want to give you any refund even though it was their fault. She said I could wait till tomorrow morning and try to talk to the manager who didn't work today.

To be honest 400 NZD(8 nights) is not much for me.(Yes.it's not much for an accommodation.) I don't want to lose my vocation mood because of the money. No matter what is the result. I will move to another place and have fun so don't worry about me.

Shine 2010.04.18.