2006-05-27 18:43:08阿良

To Sching......

這是原本要寄給你的信 只是 後來 我還是沒寄出去


有一首歌說的是 有一個天使 喜歡上了一個凡人


天使跟那個人說話 那個人聽不到

天使觸碰那個人 那個人感覺不到

有一天 這個天使遇到另外一個已經變成凡人的天使

他跟這個天使說 “你知道 最幸福的事情是什麼嗎????就是在寒冷冬天的街頭 感覺手中那杯熱咖啡的溫度…”

有一天這個天使 從很高的地方掉了下來 等他睜開眼 看到自己流出來的血


因為他知道他除了有感覺之外 他也可以"被感覺"了

在愛中 去感覺愛 還有 感覺被愛 都是幸福且缺一不可的


"Stay (Faraway, So Close!)" by U2

Green light, 7-Eleven
You stop in for a pack of cigarettes
You don't smoke, don't even want to
Hey now, check your change
Dressed up like a car crash
The wheels are turning but you're upside down
You say when he hits you you don't mind
Because when he hurts you you feel alive
Oh now, is that what it is

Red light, grey morning
You stumble out of a hole in the ground
A vampire or a victim
It depends on who's around
You used to stay up to watch the adverts
You could lip-synch to the talk shows
And if you look, you look through me
And when you talk it's not to me
And when I touch you, you don't feel a thing

If I could stay, then the night would give you up
Stay, and the day would keep its trust
Stay, and the night would be enough

Faraway, so close up with the static and the radio
With satellite television you can go anywhere
Miami, New Orleans, London, Belfast and Berlin

And if you listen I can't call
And if you jump, you just might fall
And if you shout, I'll only hear you
If I could stay then the night would give you up
Stay then the day would keep its trust
Stay with the demons you drowned
Stay with the spirit I found
Stay and the night would be enough

Three o'clock in the morning
It's quiet and there's no one around
Just the bang and the clatter as an angel runs to ground
Just the bang and the clatter as an angel hits the ground


這些年過去了 仍然找不到可以取代你的人

前陣子跟你聯絡上 你已經有了另一個疼你在乎你的人

我很忌妒他 但是 還是很高興你可以找到那個非常在乎你的人

雖然還是很想再一次在寒冷冬天的街頭緊握你的手 感覺彼此的溫暖

但是 或許 該是我放開手讓你追求現在所有的幸福 不再打擾你的時候了

祝福妳………… ^^
