2014-10-13 10:39:45zc

Night, on the road

I do not know why, especially at night and feel like the road. 

In the evening, dark outside! They say they are afraid at night Ergonomic chair, because the feeling of silence give them a trace of fear. The night is so beautiful, precisely because it did seem more beautiful silence. Everything is black, you can not look at those old habits, do not look geometric proof, do not look English terms, freshwater pearl earrings do not look at past and present article ...... So, during the day, I love your eyes closed, in short, do not want to see the world. Only at night to give me a little comfort, but why these days the moon so round? Broke my wonderful evening. 

On the way, tired! They say they do not like on the road, because the distant journey will bring them a hint tired. The road is so beautiful, precisely because it did seem far more beautiful. Everyone has their own attribution, Direct Subsidy School it seems to target the road, sitting in the window edge, watching the scenery, listening to favorite songs, eating favorite snacks, miss some things you've been worried about . In this feeling much better! But why have so many so fast means of transportation? Took my wonderful journey. 

Today, it is nuskin hk. During the day. In the school.