2011-06-07 22:37:03挖洗拍狼啦~


最後在澳洲渡過的日子, 有點匆忙短暫, 所以沒辦法好好詳實的寫下每篇網誌. 不過幸好還有Facebook, 讓我還能匆匆地跟朋友們分享心情. 因為字數有限, 也讓我長話短說地記錄下當時的感覺. 因為怕哪天記錄被洗到不知道哪裡去, 所以把它們節錄出來, 放在我的網誌上...

Finally I finished my road trip... it's really long way to go. I spent around one and half monthes from Tasmania, Melbourne, Adelaide, Alice Springs, Darwin, Broome...until to Perth. Sometimes I felt busy,in a hurry, nervous during the trip, But I could also feel funny, happy, interesting as well. I thing I'll never forget it. And thanks... Agnes, Ben and Mark. Without you guys, I think I wouldn't get lots of fun!

Finally I am leaving AUS. Almost one year, I think I have got lots of memories. One of my best friends taught me"Everything is good memory in AUS", Exactly! Even bad memories, they are good memories for me now. I think I'll very miss this beautiful country and people who I have met here. Good bye AUS, and good bye my friends...
Today, when I just waked up, I had felt past one year just likes an amazing dream for me. And it's unbelievable that I am in Taiwan already. Now, I feel everything is just as usual as before, nothing have been changed at all. I think I should wake up... realy get up...
