2007-05-20 19:18:46羽中

Does he love me?

前週讀完了Paulo Coelho的"The Witch of Portobello",


’Does he love me?’...

’You’re asking the wrong question. What you need to know is, are you in a position to give him the love he needs. And whatever happens or doesn’t happen will be equally gratifying. Knowing that you are capable of love is enough. If it isn’t him, it will be someone else. You’ve discovered a wellspring, simply allow it to flow and it will fill your world. Don’t try to keep a distance so as to see what happens. Don’t wait to be certain before you take a step. What you give, you will receive, althrough it might sometimes come from the place you least expect.’

page 208-209


That was the only time I dared to ask her: ’Why do you love me?’

She replied:’I don’t know and I don’t care.’

Now, as I put the finishing touches to these pages, I believe I may have found the answer in her last conversation witht the journalist.

Love simply is.

page 292 (the end of the story)

Yes, Love simply is.

上一篇:蜘蛛俠 3
