2010-07-09 22:26:35Renee

Delver of Truth

Sometimes, we just like an ignorant earthworm which’s spare no effort to find its own truth yet don’t know that the suitable environment for living is underground.

Then we just keep searching and digging as a potential delver without a doubt or any fear of the harsh, cruel and detached ultraviolet as the reality or humanity.

Granted that we all know easier said than done; I still believe the only way to reach the truth which’s hiding behind our consciousness is to know and get the fine understanding of ourselves first of all.

Afterward you need to be a challenger to conquer yourself for the confidence and intrinsic worth.

At that time, you can guide yourself free and relaxed even to assist, support or lead others.


There come the words from Friedrich Nietzsche …


If you wish to strive for peace of soul and happiness, then believe;

If you wish to be a disciple of truth, then inquire.


Spirit Code: 201007092215