2010-05-05 14:02:50queue唸Q

j'ai mal

so sick today that i skipped the school  =(

I stopped puking and diahhrea but still my stomach hurts, I think its the irritation that makes me ill.

Bebe texted me asking how I felt this morning. I told him my stomach still hurts and I'm not sure should I go to school. He then told me not to go and he'd bring me the food. I asked him to bring me the sports drink so I can supply some nutritions. By the time he got here all I saw is the Sprite (???) and apple juice, where is the sports drink???? He accompanied me for four hours then went back to school. I slept a bit more, then found out 7 missed calls around 8. =)

thank u bb for everything you've done. hope to get well soon