2007-03-16 15:03:49nick

Tips on Answering the Telephone-7

Tips on Answering the Telephone (part 7 of 8)


If you want to improve your telephone performance, follow these ten tips.

1. Answer the telephone promptly.
2. Let callers know your name.
3. Be cheerful, without appearing insincere.
4. Never leave callers unattended.
5. Listen carefully.
6. Use the other person's name.
7. Encourage honest conversation by asking questions.
8. Speak in a polished but relaxed tone.
9. Summarize key points toward the end of the conversation.
10. Let the other person close the conversation.


1. (電話鈴響時)很快地去接電話。
2. 讓對方知道你的名字。
3. 愉快地交談,但不要令人覺得你不誠懇。
4. 絕不要讓對方在電話裡等太久。
5. 仔細地聆聽。
6. 稱呼對方的名字。
7. 透過問問題使談話真確切中要點。
8. 以幹練但輕鬆的語氣說話。
9. 談話快結束時將重點做個摘要。
10. 讓對方來結束談話。

⊙ Word Bank
promptly (adv) 迅速地;立刻地
polished (adj) 洗鍊的;專業的