2013-07-23 03:00:00frank
[觀摩] 費爾普斯的仰式出發
>> Michael Phelps Backstroke Start << multi-angle
level: intermediate - advanced
importance: ★★☆
difficulty: ★★☆
Michael employed pretty much the same techniques with freestyle. We still find some features in his techniques. PLS refer to below URL for the video. (it's impossible to embed this video here.)
1. tight streamline position.
2. rotating knees medially (inwardly) when bend for kicking (0:14 dolphin kick, 0:16 flutter kick) or you can take it as "heels rotating laterally (outwardly) You can scrutinize the video, or check the image I captured from the very same video.
3. fast entry (not as soft as freestyle).
4. keep hands above elbow position during "pull" stage.

#MichalePhelps #backstroke #dolphinkick #flutterkick
#背泳ぎ #estiloespalda #ドルフィンキック #patadadedelfín
tips for watching (scrutinize) video:
check out those features,
1. the sequence of athlete's moves.
2. how the athlete rotate his body, head and limbs.
3. quick vs. slow during one specific move (which indicates when to exercise strength, and when to relax the muscle.)
level: intermediate - advanced
importance: ★★☆
difficulty: ★★☆
Michael employed pretty much the same techniques with freestyle. We still find some features in his techniques. PLS refer to below URL for the video. (it's impossible to embed this video here.)
1. tight streamline position.
2. rotating knees medially (inwardly) when bend for kicking (0:14 dolphin kick, 0:16 flutter kick) or you can take it as "heels rotating laterally (outwardly) You can scrutinize the video, or check the image I captured from the very same video.
3. fast entry (not as soft as freestyle).
4. keep hands above elbow position during "pull" stage.
#MichalePhelps #backstroke #dolphinkick #flutterkick
#背泳ぎ #estiloespalda #ドルフィンキック #patadadedelfín
tips for watching (scrutinize) video:
check out those features,
1. the sequence of athlete's moves.
2. how the athlete rotate his body, head and limbs.
3. quick vs. slow during one specific move (which indicates when to exercise strength, and when to relax the muscle.)
finished: Mar. 9, 2013