2013-05-15 13:11:24 Joshuachang


第五週 週六


出四13~14 摩西說,主阿,你願意差遣誰,就差遣誰罷。耶和華向摩西發怒,說,不是有你的哥哥利未人亞倫麼?我知道他是能言的…。

25  西坡拉就拿一塊火石,割下他兒子的陽皮,丟在摩西腳前,說,你真是我的血郎了。









Morning Nourishment

Exo. 4:13-14 "...Please, Lord, send word by sending someone else. And the anger of Jehovah was kindled against Moses, and He said, Is there not Aaron your brother the Levite? I know that he can certainly speak..."

25 "Then Zipporah took a flint and cut off her son’s foreskin and cast it at Moses’ feet, and she said, You are indeed a bridegroom of blood to me!"

    Moses still needed the male help and the female help. The male help is that of matching. This kind of help balances us, restricts us, and humbles us. Through his brother’s matching Moses learned to let others do what he was able to do. Do not think that Aaron was more eloquent than Moses. Whatever Aaron did, Moses was able to do also, but he was restricted from doing so. In the church life the Lord will often raise up an environment that forces us to allow others to do what we can do. This should be a principle of our functioning in the church. If a brother is able to do a certain thing, let him do it, even if you can do it better. This will humble you. (Life-study of Exodus, p. 118)

 Today's Reading

    God sovereignly arranged a situation that allowed Aaron to do what Moses was able to do. In the church life we should not do everything ourselves. Instead, we should let others do what we can do. This does not mean, however, that we should be idle. On the contrary, it means that in a matching relationship we are restricted, balanced, and humbled. This restriction is a safeguard and protection....The more we are matched with others, the more we are protected.

     In Exodus 4:24-26 we see that Zipporah was used by God to cause Moses to be a “bridegroom of blood.”...In the Bible the male represents objective truth, whereas the female represents subjective experience. Thus, Aaron’s matching was outward and objective, but Zipporah’s cutting was inward and subjective. If we would be used of the Lord in His recovery, we must bear a sign of having been cut. This does not mean that we should talk about the cutting we have experienced. On the contrary, it means that we should silently bear this sign....In Exodus 4 it was Zipporah, not Moses, who said that he was a “bridegroom of blood.”

    Both in the church life and in married life we need to be such a “bridegroom of blood.” If a brother is to be truly God’s called one, he needs to be cut in a subjective way. We learn a great deal through the cutting. Sometimes my wife cuts me by restricting my eating. This cutting keeps me healthy and prevents me from indulging myself. Because of her helpful cutting, I am not permitted to give in to fleshly indulgence in eating. Thus, the cutting keeps us from living according to the natural life....Only those who are willing to be cut can be useful to God....Daily and even hourly we need to experience the circumcision of the natural life. It is not sufficient merely to see that we are sinful. Our natural life must also be circumcised, either by those in our family or by the brothers and sisters in the church....This cutting is the last aspect of God’s calling. Only after we have been cut can we carry out God’s commission.

   When we compare the aspects of God’s calling in Exodus 3 and 4 to the record in the New Testament, we see that whatever Moses experienced, Paul experienced also. Furthermore, all this must be our experience today. We need to see the vision of the burning thornbush: the Triune God burning within and upon His redeemed ones. This is the focal point of the divine revelation in the Scriptures. Then we need to know who God is and what God is. Furthermore, we must know the devil, the flesh, and the world. Following this, we need the matching and the cutting. If we are willing for the subjective experience of the circumcision of our natural life, then we shall live by the resurrection life, we shall become useful in the hand of the Lord for the fulfillment of His eternal purpose, and we shall be prepared to carry out God’s commission. May every aspect of God’s calling be our experience in the Lord’s recovery today. (Life-study of Exodus, pp. 118-120)

    Further Reading: Life-study of Exodus, msgs. 9-10


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WEEK 5-Hymns #910


1 The overflow of life is work,

The work should be our living!

What we experience e’er should be

The message we are giving. 

When living and the work are one,

The work will be effectual;

When message and the life are one,

The word will be successful.


2 The work must be the fruit of life,

Born thru the Spirit’s flowing;

As branches of the Lord, the vine,

Fruit bearing, life bestowing.

Tis Christ Himself thru us to work,

Himself as life expressing,

And all the riches of His life

To others manifesting.

3 Tis not a movement borne of man,

But by His power moving;

Tis not the deeds done outwardly,

But inward action proving.

Tis not the work of enterprise,

But ’tis His life confessing;

Tis not to toil for our success,

But ’tis Himself expressing.


4 Our plans, our aims, our energy

We must abandon wholly,

That He may work His plan thru us,

His aim and object solely.

Ourselves, with all we are and have,

To death we must surrender,

That Christ may live Himself thru us

With riches and with splendor.