2013-05-30 10:25:54 Joshuachang


第七週 週五


啟二一12~13 有高大的牆;有十二個門,門上有十二位天使;門上又寫着以色列十二個支派的名字;東邊有三門,北邊有三門,南邊有三門,西邊有三門。









WEEK 7 — DAY 5

Morning Nourishment

Rev. 21:12-13 "It had a great and high wall and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names inscribed, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel: on the east three gates, and on the north three gates, and on the south three gates, and on the west three gates."

The New Jerusalem has gates (Rev. 21:12-13), and anyone who wants to enter the city and participate in the building of God has to pass through these gates....This city has a total of twelve gates. There are gates on all four sides....This implies that it is very convenient for people to enter into the city; there is no difficulty at all....Notice that in the New Jerusalem the number twelve appears frequently....In this case the number twelve is derived from multiplying four (four sides—east, north, south, and west) by three (three gates on each side). The number three denotes the Triune God, the God who came in resurrection to be man’s life. The Triune God came to have a relationship with man and to be man’s life through incarnation, death, and resurrection....By passing through these three steps the Triune God came to be man’s life. All these things are implied in the number three. In the Scriptures the number four denotes the creatures [cf. 4:6]....Therefore, three times four implies the mingling of God with man. The complete mingling of God and man becomes twelve. Twelve is the number of eternal completion, the number of the completion of God’s building. Anything built up by God should be the issue of the mingling of God with man. The number that we use to signify this is twelve. (The Building Work of God, pp. 98-99)

Today's Reading

That the gates of the city are pearls indicates that whoever does not correspond with the nature of the pearl cannot enter into the city to participate in it. Anyone who enters into the city through the gate has to be the product of three times four—the issue of the mingling of God with man, and a new creation in Christ through death and resurrection. You cannot bring anything natural, anything of the earth, into this building. Every grain of sand must be changed by entering into the oyster’s wound. Every earthy person must pass through death and resurrection through the cross of Christ. All natural beings and all natural elements must become a new creation—pearl—through the dealing of the cross. Only then can they enter through the gates.

Something natural, something of human effort, something “ingenious,” something resulting from human schemes and methods, or something which has not passed through the cross,...[is] sand and not pearls since [it has] not passed through death. Hence, you should never bring [something natural] into the building of God. If you do, you will damage God’s building....In the church, in God’s building, there cannot be sand or dust; there can only be pearls. In the building up of the church everything must pass through the cross, must be in Christ, and must be the mingling of God and man....Only that which corresponds with the nature of this entrance can be brought into the building of God.

The New Jerusalem also has a street (Rev. 21:21b)....The Bible tells us that the city is pure gold (v. 18), and that the street is pure gold (v. 21b). (The Building Work of God, pp. 100, 103-104)

Gold symbolizes the divine nature. That the river of water of life proceeds “in the middle of its street” signifies that the divine life flows in the divine nature as the unique way for the daily life of God’s redeemed people....The divine life and the divine nature as the holy way always go together. Thus, God’s river of water of life is available along this divine way, and we enjoy the river by walking in this way of life. (Rev. 22:1, footnote 6)

The building is the street. The work you and I are doing is this street. The church you and I are building is this street. Whenever we completely deny ourselves and live in the nature of God, our service will not only issue in the building of the church but also lead people to the way of God when they come into our midst. (The Building Work of God, p. 108)

Further Reading: The Building Work of God, ch. 8