2013-05-30 10:27:14 Joshuachang


第七週 週六


啟二一18~19 牆是用碧玉造的,城是純金的,如同明淨的玻璃。城牆的根基是用各樣寶石裝飾的。第一根基是碧玉…。

11   城中有神的榮耀;城的光輝如同極貴的寶石,好像碧玉,明如水晶。










WEEK 7 — DAY 6

Morning Nourishment

Rev. 21:18-19 "And the building work of its wall was jasper; and the city was pure gold, like clear glass. The foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with every precious stone: the first foundation was jasper..."

11 "Having the glory of God. Her light was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone, as clear as crystal."

Let us look at the wall of the New Jerusalem....The wall of the city is jasper (Rev. 21:18) and...the light of the city is also like jasper stone (v. 11). Do we see this? The expression of the city is exactly the same as the expression of God! Just as the God who is on the throne is like jasper [4:2-3], so also the city is like jasper.

The New Jerusalem is the enlargement and full expression of God in man. In principle, this enlargement, this full manifestation, is the same as God Himself. God’s appearance is like jasper, and the appearance of the city is also like jasper. The two are exactly alike without any difference. Eventually, the first picture in Revelation 4 is included in the second picture in Revelation 21. When the city in Revelation 21 comes into being, the throne in Revelation 4 is included in the city. Therefore, this city is the expression of God Himself. (The Building Work of God, pp. 115-116)

Today's Reading

The New Jerusalem is a city of foundations (Heb. 11:10). These are the twelve apostles of the Lamb (Rev. 21:14), each of whom is signified by a precious stone....When Simon was brought to the Lord, the Lord changed his name to Peter, meaning a stone (John 1:42). Later, the Lord called him by that name when He spoke concerning the building of His church (Matt. 16:18). Precious stones are not created but are produced by the transforming of things created. All the apostles were created as clay, but they were regenerated and were transformed into precious stones for God’s eternal building. Every believer needs to be thus regenerated and transformed that he may be a part of the New Jerusalem. (Rev. 21:19, footnote 1)

The New Jerusalem has a “great and high wall” (Rev. 21:12a). The wall is for separation and protection. The New Jerusalem as the holy city will be absolutely separated unto God and will fully protect the interests of God. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, p. 2721)

The wall not only is like God and expresses God, [but] it is also a boundary. Everything inside this wall is the New Jerusalem, and everything outside this wall is not the New Jerusalem. In other words, everything inside this wall is God’s building, and everything outside this wall is not God’s building.

The church has a boundary. This boundary of the church comes as a result of the children of God being constituted....If in the church a great number of the saints have been built together, there will be a high wall, and there will be a clear boundary between the church and the world. In the church it will be easy to distinguish what belongs to God from what belongs to man, what is heavenly from what is earthly, and what is of the new creation from what is of the old creation. Moreover, these things are not distinguished by teaching but by building....If you want God to have the building in the church, you need to see that there is a boundary here, and this boundary comes out of God’s mingling and constituting. If God is mingled with us and constituted into us, immediately we will have a boundary for separation.

To summarize, the gates of the New Jerusalem are pearls, the street and the city proper are pure gold, the wall is jasper, and the foundations are twelve kinds of precious stones....Because God is doing a work of pressure, a work of purification by fire, and a work of constituting within you, the wall of precious stones will be manifested in you. If all of us have been worked on by God, then we will be built together to become the building of God....May the Lord have mercy on us so that the churches everywhere may manifest all these conditions of being built up! (The Building Work of God, pp. 119-120, 124)

Further Reading: The Building Work of God, ch. 9