2013-06-26 22:04:13 Joshuachang





綱  目

週 一

壹 保羅完成職事的中心異象,乃是論到基督是神的奧祕(西一25 ~ 27,二2),召會是基督的奧祕(弗三

 一 神是個奧祕;基督是神具體的表現彰顯神(西二9),所以是神的奧祕。

 二 基督也是個奧祕;召會是基督的身體彰顯基督,所以是基督的奧祕。
三 這奧祕就是神的經綸,將祂自己的具體表現,基督,分賜到祂所揀選的人裏面,爲要產生一個身體,作祂
     在基督裏具體表現的擴增,使祂得着一個團體的彰顯—提前一4,弗三8 ~ 9。

貳 保羅完成職事的中心異象乃是:神在我們裏面作我們的內容,基督是神的奧祕,而召會是基督的奧祕:

週 二

  一 人是盛裝神的器皿—創二7 ~ 9,徒九15,羅九21 ~ 24,林後四7,提後二20 ~ 21:
     1 我們必須學習從所有我們行爲的想法上轉離,只關心被神充滿。
     2 聖經把神描繪成食物、水、空氣;我們必須吸取祂,被祂充滿,就好像我們接受所喫的食物,所飲的
        水,以及所吸入的空氣—約六35、57, 四10、14, 七37 ~ 39, 二十22,哀三55 ~ 56。

    3 以弗所四章六節啓示,父不只超越我們,貫徹我們,也在我們之內;神自己安家在我們裏面。

週 三

    4 以弗所三章十九節說,『使你們被充滿,成爲神一切的豐滿』:

     a 被充滿成爲神一切的豐滿,意思是被充滿成爲神一切的所是;神的豐滿,含示神所是的豐富成了祂

     b 神一切的所是應當是我們的內容;我們應當這樣被神充滿,使我們成爲祂的豐滿,祂的彰顯—14 ~
          19 節。
    5 腓立比二章十三節說,『乃是神爲着祂的美意,在你們裏面運行,使你們立志並行事』:

     a 這節的思想是神一直在我們裏面行動、行事並作工。

     b 那在我們裏面運行(使我們有力)的神,乃是三一神—父、子、靈;這位神就是在我們裏面的基督
       (林後十三3 上、5),也就是在我們裏面的那靈(羅八11);那靈、神、基督,三者乃是一。

    6 希伯來十三章二十至二十一節說,『但願平安的神,就是那憑永約之血,領羣羊的大牧人我們的主耶

     a 新約不僅是更美之約(七22,八6),也是永遠之約;這約永遠有功效,因爲是藉着基督那永遠有

     b 神是在我們裏面,藉着耶穌基督,行祂看爲可喜悅的事,使我們能實行祂的旨意;神在我們裏面,
          是藉着內住的基督運行,使我們實行祂的旨意—加一15 下~ 16 上,二20,四19。

週 四

    7 提前三章十六節說,『大哉!敬虔的奧祕!這是眾所公認的,就是:祂顯現於肉體,被稱義於靈裏,

     a 基督是單個的神顯現於肉體,召會作爲基督的身體彰顯祂,乃是團體的神顯現於肉體。

     b 敬虔乃是指神活在召會中,就是那是生命的神在召會中活了出來。

    8 我們必須看見,神已經在復活裏,藉着基督成了那靈,進到我們裏面;如今祂正住在我們裏面,與我
        的彰顯—林前十五45 下, 六17, 羅八2、4、6、9 ~ 11, 約十四23、16 ~ 17,林後四7。

  二 神的奧祕就是基督作神的具體化身和彰顯,使神對我們成爲如此真實,如此可享受—西二2、9,羅九

    1 基督是信徒的一切—林前一9,十五45 下,弗三8,林後四6 ~ 7,約八58:

     a 基督是神所分給眾聖徒的分—西一12,二6,林前一2。

     b 基督是我們的生命—約十四6 上,西三4,羅八2、4、6。

     c 基督是榮耀的盼望—西一27,弗一18 下,四4 下,羅八19、23 ~ 25。

     d 基督是我們的需要和享受—約八12,六51、57 下,林前十4,約二十22,加三27,約十五7 上,
          西二16 ~ 17,太十一28。

     e 基督是從神給我們的能力和智慧—林前一24、30。

週 五

   2 基督是召會的一切:

     a 基督是身體的頭—西一18。

     b 基督是頭的身體—林前十二12。

     c 基督是基石—賽二八16,林前三11。

     d 基督是活石、房角石和頂石—彼前二4、6 ~7,弗二20,亞三9,四7。

     e 基督是新人一切的肢體—西三10 ~ 11。

    3 神要我們領悟,在基督裏三一神—父、子、靈—經過了一個過程,包含成爲肉體、人性生活、釘十字

      a 藉着成爲肉體,基督將無限的神帶到有限的人裏面—約一14。

     b 在祂的人性生活裏,主耶穌在人性裏彰顯神性—十四9 ~ 11。

     c 藉着釘十字架,耶穌基督了結了舊造—西一15。

週 六

     d 藉着復活,祂使我們有新生的起頭而成爲新造—彼前一3。

     e 藉着升天,祂得了榮耀、被高舉、登寶座、被立爲主並受委派施行神聖的行政—徒二33、36。

     f 之後,祂作爲包羅萬有、賜生命的靈降臨在召會身上—一8,二4。

    4 作爲賜生命的靈,主正等待人藉着信入祂而接受祂—林前十五45 下,林後三17,約一12 ~ 13,三

     a 人一呼求主耶穌的名,基督就立刻進到人裏面,重生人的靈,住在人的靈裏,並使祂自己與人重生
          的靈調和,使人真正與祂成爲一—6 節,林前六17。

     b 初信者必須認識這二靈—他重生的靈和賜生命的靈,使他得以變化,並與別人建造一起成爲身體,
          就是彰顯三一神的生機體,以完成祂的定旨—林後三18,弗二21 ~ 22,四16。

 三 基督的奧祕乃是經過死並在復活裏的三一神,將祂自己與我們調和,使我們成爲祂生機身體上的活肢
    1 中心的異象就是:作神彰顯的基督,已經成了賜生命的靈,爲要將祂自己分賜到我們裏面作生命,使
       我們成爲祂身體上活的肢體,生機的彰顯祂—林前十五45 下,羅十二5。

    2 主乃是在恢復基督作我們的生命和一切,以及召會作祂的身體,祂的豐滿—西三4、11、16,二19。

    3 主要得着一個由那些被祂自己灌注、充滿並浸透之信徒所組成的召會,作祂的身體,使祂得着彰顯;
        至終,這活的身體會成爲基督可愛的新婦,爲祂的回來豫備道路—弗一22 ~ 23,啓十九7 ~ 9。

    4 我們不該注意無關重要的事物,也不該受道理或作法所打岔;乃該注意藉着讓三一神分賜到我們裏
        面,使我們成爲祂生機身體的肢體以彰顯祂,好成爲祂活的見證—弗三6、19 下、21。

    5 我們需要在以下各方面來看召會這基督的奧祕:

     a 召會在創世以前,奧祕的在基督裏,爲父神所揀選、豫定—一3 ~ 5。

     b 召會在創世以後,奧祕的在那蒙愛者裏面,得蒙救贖—6 ~ 12 節。

     c 召會在蒙救贖時,奧祕的受了聖靈爲印記,並得着聖靈作憑質—13 ~ 14 節。

     d 召會奧祕的有分於基督復活的大能,並祂升天所達到並所得着的一切,而成爲基督的身體—19 ~
          23 節。

     e 召會奧祕的作宇宙的新人,作神的國、神的家,被建造成爲神的居所—二15、19 ~ 22。

     f 召會奧祕的得享受基督那追測不盡的豐富—三2、7 ~ 11。

     g 召會乃是由神藉着祂的靈,用大能得以加強到裏面的人裏,使基督奧祕的安家在信徒心裏,而被
          基督所是的闊、長、高、深所充滿,成爲神一切的豐滿—15 ~ 19 節。

     h 基督與召會奧祕的生命聯結,乃是宇宙中極大的奧祕—五32。

     i 今日與三一神奧祕聯結相調的召會,乃是新耶路撒冷的雛型,一切都應該以這聖城爲至高的標

2013 Memorial Day Conference


Message Two

The Central Vision

Scripture Reading: Col. 2:2; Eph. 3:4; Rom. 9:21, 23; Phil. 2:13; Col.1:12; Rom. 12:5


Day 1

I. The central vision of Paul’s completing ministryconcerns Christ as the mystery of God (Col. 1:25-27; 2:2)
and the church as the mystery of Christ (Eph. 3:4); thisis the great mystery of Christ and the church (5:32):

A. God is a mystery, and Christ, as the embodiment of God to express Him (Col. 2:9), is the mystery of God.

B. Christ also is a mystery, and the church, as the Body of Christ to express Him, is the mystery of Christ.

C. This mystery is God’s economy, which is to dispense Christ, as the embodiment of God, into God’s chosen people in order to produce a Body to be the increase of God’s embodiment in Christ, that God may have a corporate expression—1 Tim. 1:4; Eph. 3:8-9.

II. The central vision of Paul’s completing ministry is God in us as our contents, Christ as the mystery of God, and the church as the mystery of Christ:

Day 2

A. Man is a vessel to contain God—Gen. 2:7-9; Acts 9:15; Rom. 9:21-24;2 Cor. 4:7; 2 Tim. 2:20-21:

1. We must learn to turn away from all considerations of our behavior and care only to be filled with God.

2. God is illustrated in the Bible as food, water, and breath; we must take Him in and be filled with Him, just as we take in the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe—John 6:35, 57; 4:10, 14; 7:37-39; 20:22; Lam. 3:55-56.

3. Ephesians 4:6 reveals that the Father is not only over us and through us but also in us; God is housing Himself in us.

Day 3

4. Ephesians 3:19 says, “That you may be filled unto all the fullness of God”:

a. To be filled unto all God’s fullness means to be filled unto all that God is; the fullness of God implies that the riches of what He is become His expression.

b. All that God is should be our contents; we should be so filled with Him that we become His fullness, His expression—vv.14-19.

5. Philippians 2:13 says, “It is God who operates in you both the willing and the working for His good pleasure”:

a. The thought in this verse is that God is moving, acting, and working within us.

b. The God who operates (energizes) in us is the Triune God—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—the very God who is Christ in us (2 Cor. 13:3a, 5) and the Spirit in us (Rom. 8:11); the three—the Spirit, God, and Christ—are one.

6. Hebrews 13:20-21 says, “Now the God of peace, He who brought up from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great Shepherd of the sheep, in the blood of an eternal covenant, perfect you in every good work for the doing of His will, doing in us that which is well pleasing in His sight through Jesus Christ; to Him be the
glory forever and ever. Amen”:

a. The new covenant is not only a better covenant (7:22; 8:6) but also an eternal covenant; it is eternally efficacious because of the eternal efficacy of Christ’s blood, with which it was enacted (Matt. 26:28; Luke 22:20).

b. God is doing in us that which is well pleasing in His sight through Jesus Christ that we may be able to do His will; it is through the indwelling Christ that God works in us so that we can do His will—Gal. 1:15a, 16a; 2:20; 4:19.

Day 4

7. First Timothy 3:16 says, “Great is the mystery of godliness: He who was manifested in the flesh, / Justified in the Spirit, / Seen by angels, / Preached among the nations, / Believed on in the world, / Taken up in glory”:

a. Christ is the individual manifestation of God in the flesh, and the church as the Body of Christ to express Him is the corporate manifestation of God in the flesh.

b. Godliness refers to the living of God in the church, that is, to God as life lived out in the church.

8. We must see that God in resurrection through Christ has entered into us as the Spirit, is now indwelling us, is one with us, and has made us one spirit with Himself; as His vessels, we should be filled with Him, and whatever we do must be an expression of Him—1 Cor. 15:45b; 6:17; Rom. 8:2, 4, 6, 9-11; John 14:23, 16-17; 2 Cor. 4:7.

B. The mystery of God is Christ as the embodiment and manifestation of God, making God so real and enjoyable to us—Col. 2:2, 9; Rom.9:5:

1. Christ is everything to the believers—1 Cor. 1:9; 15:45b; Eph.3:8; 2 Cor. 4:6-7; John 8:58:

a. Christ is the God-allotted portion to the saints—Col. 1:12; 2:6; 1Cor. 1:2.

b. Christ is our life—John 14:6a; Col. 3:4; Rom. 8:2, 4, 6.

c. Christ is the hope of glory—Col. 1:27; Eph. 1:18b; 4:4b; Rom.8:19, 23-25.

d. Christ is our necessities and our enjoyment—John 8:12; 6:51,57b; 1 Cor. 10:4; John 20:22; Gal. 3:27; John 15:7a; Col. 2:16-17;Matt. 11:28.

e. Christ is God’s power and God’s wisdom to us—1 Cor. 1:24, 30.

Day 5

2. Christ is everything to the church:

a. Christ is the Head of the Body—Col. 1:18.

b. Christ is the Body of the Head—1 Cor. 12:12.

c. Christ is the foundation stone—Isa. 28:16; 1 Cor. 3:11.

d. Christ is the living stone, the cornerstone, and the topstone—1Pet. 2:4, 6-7; Eph. 2:20; Zech. 3:9; 4:7.

e. Christ is all the members of the new man—Col. 3:10-11.

3. God wants us to realize that in Christ the Triune God—the Father,the Son, and the Spirit—has passed through a process involving incarnation, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension:

a. By incarnation Christ brought the infinite God into the finite man—John 1:14.

b. In His human living the Lord Jesus expressed divinity in humanity—14:9-11.

c. By crucifixion Jesus Christ terminated the old creation—Col.1:15.

Day 6

d. By resurrection He germinated us as the new creation—1 Pet.1:3.

e. By ascension He was glorified, exalted, enthroned, appointed Lord, and commissioned with the divine government—Acts 2:33, 36.

f. Following this He came down upon the church as the allinclusive life-giving Spirit—1:8; 2:4.

4. As the life-giving Spirit, the Lord is waiting for people to receive Him by believing into Him—1 Cor. 15:45b; 2 Cor. 3:17; John1:12-13; 3:15:

a. As soon as a person calls on the name of the Lord Jesus, Christ will immediately come into him, regenerate his spirit, indwell his spirit, and mingle Himself with his regenerated spirit to cause him to become truly one with Him—v. 6; 1 Cor. 6:17.

b. A new believer must come to know the two spirits—his regenerated spirit and the life-giving Spirit—so that he may be transformed and built up with others to be the Body, the organism to express the Triune God for the fulfillment of His purpose—2 Cor. 3:18; Eph. 2:21-22; 4:16.

C. The mystery of Christ is that the Triune God through death and in resurrection is mingling Himself with us, making us the living members of His organic Body:

1. The central vision is the vision that Christ, the expression of God, has become the life-giving Spirit so that He may impart Himself into us as our life to make us the living members of His Body to express Him organically—1 Cor. 15:45b; Rom. 12:5.

2. The Lord is recovering Christ as life and everything to us and the church as His Body, His fullness—Col. 3:4, 11, 16; 2:19.

3. The Lord wants a church composed of believers who are infused, filled, and saturated with Himself to be His Body for His expression; eventually, this living Body will become Christ’s loving bride, who will prepare the way for His coming back—Eph. 1:22-23; Rev. 19:7-9.

4. We should not care for insignificant things or be distracted by doctrines or practices; instead, we should care to become a living testimony by having the Triune God dispensed into us to make us members of His organic Body to express Him—Eph. 3:6,19b, 21.

5. We need to see the church as the mystery of Christ in the following aspects:

a. The church was mysteriously chosen and predestinated in Christ by God the Father before the foundation of the world—1:3-5.

b. The church was mysteriously redeemed in the Beloved after the foundation of the world—vv. 6-12.

c. The church was mysteriously sealed with the Holy Spirit and received the Holy Spirit as the pledge at the time of its redemption—vv. 13-14.

d. The church mysteriously participates in the resurrection power of Christ and in everything that He has attained and obtained in ascension, thereby becoming the Body of Christ—vv. 19-23.

e. The church mysteriously becomes the universal new man, as God’s kingdom and God’s house, and is being built up as the habitation of God—2:15, 19-22.

f. The church is mysteriously enjoying the unsearchable riches of Christ—3:2, 7-11.

g. The church is strengthened into the inner man with power by God through His Spirit, that Christ may mysteriously make home in the believers’ hearts, that the church may be filled with the breadth, the length, the height, and the depth of what Christ is, to become all the fullness of God—vv. 15-19.

h. The mysterious life union of Christ and the church is the great mystery in the universe—5:32.

i. The church, which is joined to and mingled mysteriously with the Triune God today, is a miniature of the New Jerusalem and needs to take the holy city as its highest standard and matchless hope in verything—Rev. 21:2.