2013-06-26 22:16:09 Joshuachang


第二週 • 週一













WEEK 2 — DAY 1

Morning Nourishment

Col. 1:25-27 "Of which I became a minister according to the stewardship of God, which was given to me for you, to complete the word of God, the mystery which has been hidden from the ages and from the generations but now has been manifested to His saints; to whom God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory."

    Very few Christians have seen Paul's completing ministry. This term, the completing ministry, is based upon Colossians 1:25, where Paul says he was commissioned"to complete the word of God." To complete the word of God means to complete the revelation of God. No doubt the King James Version's rendering of"complete the word of God" as"fulfil the word of God" has somewhat obscured the real meaning.

    Without Paul's writings the revelation of God is not complete. If his fourteen Epistles, from Romans through Hebrews, were taken from the Bible, it would no doubt still be a marvelous book. Think how wonderful Genesis is! How great a book Exodus is!...Though Genesis and Exodus are admirable, without Paul's writings they lack completion. (The Completing Ministry of Paul, p. 73)

Today's Reading

    Grammatically speaking,"the mystery" [in Colossians 1:26] is in apposition with"to complete the word of God" [in verse 25]. The completion of the word of God is the mystery. This mystery, which was hidden but is now manifested, concerns"Christ in you, the hope of glory" [v. 27].

    Surely every book of the New Testament is about Christ. None of these books except Paul's, however, says that Christ is God's mystery. Matthew deals with the mystery of the kingdom of God, but does not present Christ as God's mystery....Even in John's Gospel the word mystery is not to be found. It does occur in his Revelation, but it is not as clearly mentioned as in Paul's Epistles. Only Paul uses the word mystery for Christ and for His Body.

    Christ is a mystery. What is the source of Christ as a mystery? It is surely God. Both the Jews and the Moslems claim to know God. They are of a similar origin, in that their faith is based on the Old Testament. (The Moslem Bible, the Koran, is largely an imitation of the Old Testament, with some changes.) The God in whom the Jews and Moslems believe is the God of the Old Testament. In the New Testament our God is the God in Christ and through Christ. To be a Christian is to come into Christ and through Him into God. God is embodied in this Christ. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in Him bodily (Col. 2:9). God's entire being is embodied in Christ....If anyone has a God who is apart from Christ, he must be like a Jew or a Moslem. God,
then, is the source of this mystery.

    What is the issue of this mystery? This mystery comes out of God and issues in the church, including all the believers of Christ. In the whole universe this is the mystery! Without such a word the Bible is not complete. This completion of the word is this great mystery: Christ as the mystery of God and the church as the mystery of Christ. These two comprise the mystery of the ages.

    Three crucial points in Paul's Epistles [are]: God as our contents, Christ as God's mystery, and the church as Christ's mystery. Without these three points, Paul's writings are an empty shell. These are what the Lord is going to recover. Without them, nothing is meaningful. Our God today is in us to be our contents. The mystery of God is Christ as the embodiment and manifestation of God, making God so real and so enjoyable to us. The mystery of Christ is that the Triune God through death and in resurrection is mingling Himself with us, making us the living members of His organic Body. This vision must direct us. It will keep us in the central lane, walking according to the mingled spirit and being in the Body life. This is what the Lord is after. (The Completing Ministry of Paul, pp. 74-75, 106-107)

    Further Reading: The Completing Ministry of Paul, ch. 10; Life-study of Acts, msgs. 68-69