2019-04-08 03:24:34mkigy2km2muk

【最近流行商品】Inglesina Aptica System Quattro 開箱炫耀文網購人氣產品


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Inglesina Aptica System Quattro 設計式樣: Mineral Grey · 2019

The distinctive glamorous style of this pushchair will delight trend-conscious and modern parents immediately. The Aptica is not only a sporty companion, it also scores with convenient handling and plenty of comfort for your tiny human. The extensive Italian Quattro set comes with everything your child needs during his or her first years in mobile everyday life. It includes the sports seat, the carrycot, the infant car seat CAB and the stand.

The cosy carrycot makes the start in life perfect. Your little one will feel super comfy in one of the largest carrycots on the market (internal dimensions 76 x 37 cm). You can install the hard carrycot on the Aptica's chassis with just one click and thus create a multi-functional stroller. The large canopy with additional built-in sun visor as well as the wind protection blanket protect your baby from direct sunlight and draughts. The carrycot has an adjustable backrest and adjustable vents at the bottom side. The soft and comfy padding and the Welcome-Pad, developed in collaboration with midwives, make the cosy little bed complete. The Welcome-Pad is a particularly high-quality feel-good mattress on which your baby can bend her legs and take a healthy lying position in the supine position - just like in mom's womb. The mobile role can be adapted individually to the growth of your child. Featuring ventilation ducts and a 3D mesh fabric cover, the Welcome-Pad provides your child with the best foundation for a healthy and safe sleep.

On the return from the walk, the stand makes it very easy for you to place the carrycot with your child in on it without waking him - that way, you can keep your baby at a comfortable height and use the high-quality, soft-padded carrycot as a bed at home and while traveling.

With a width of only 50 cm, the agile Aptica is super easy to manoeuvre. The sprung suspension ensures a smooth ride on any terrain. The sports seat has a particularly high backrest and supports your child in all stages of growth until s/he has grown out of the seat. You can decide whether you wish to install the comfy seat unit in a forward-facing or rear-facing mode - that way, you can always meet the needs of your child. Your child can either enjoy the ride while looking at mom and dad, or else relax and lean back while looking forward and marvelling at where the stroll in the Aptica takes him. If your child wishes to take a nap, the adjustable backrest and the adjustable footrest, which can even vary in length, provide him/ her with an optimal reclining area for resting. With the lined footmuff, a rain cover and the retractable canopy you are well prepared for all seasons.

Thanks to the continuous push bar, mom and dad can even steer the state-of-the-art Aptica with one hand. The spacious mesh basket has a convenient compartment which can be locked separately.

The Quattro set is completed by the Inglesina infant car seat CAB. All relevant safety features of the ECE 044 / 04 standard ensure a safe ride for your child. During the first few weeks, the built-in newborn insert provides an optimal sitting position. If the insert is removed, later on, there is enough space for your child to travel with you up to a weight of 13 kg. When the ride in your car is finished, the infant car seat with built-in adaptors can be attached to the chassis of your Aptica stroller or to the stand with just one click. Every mom and dad will love the simple and comfortable handling straight away, because it is nice to be able to travel safely and comfortably with simple movements, especially in the turbulent everyday life with a baby.

Irrespective of the direction in which the sports seat is attached to the chassis - the folding mechanism works very easy. Enjoy easy handling with just one hand.

Tip: The chic change bag, which can also be used as a practical backpack, stores all necessities and niceties needed in everyday life with a baby. You can get this great accessory matching perfectly with your Inglesina Aptica!

Details pushchair Aptica:

  • Aluminium chassis with a width of only 50 cm

  • Including bottle holder, footmuff and rain cover

  • Ball bearing wheels

  • Folding and unfolding is done with one hand

  • 5-point harness

  • Lockable swivel wheels in front

  • Reversible seat unit

  • Suitable up to 15 kg

  • Fabric cover removable and washable at 30 °

  • Dimensions open: 50 x 112 x 84 - 99 cm

  • Dimensions folded: 50 x 90 x 42 cm

  • Weight: 12.3 kg

Details of carrycot:

  • Dimensions lying surface (L / W): 76 x 37 cm

  • Weight: 5.6 kg

  • Easy installation on the chassis

  • Including Welcome-Pad, wind protection blanket

  • Adjustable backrest, ventilation slots

  • Canopy UV- protection 50 + with viewing panel

Details of infant car seat CAB:

  • 3-point safety belt with soft belt pads

  • 周年慶活動
  • Including newborn insert

  • Swivel carrying handle

  • Canopy with UV protection and extendable sunshade

  • Suitable from birth up to a weight of approx. 13 kg

  • ECE R44/ 04

  • Installation by using car's own seatbelt
  • 開箱炫耀文網購人氣產品>網購人氣商品

  • Dimensions: 42 x 60 x 64 cm

  • Weight: 4.4 kg

Details of stand:

  • Stand is compatible with carrycot or infant car seat

  • Safe and easy to transport

  • Can be folded to a space-saving size




Inglesina Aptica System Quattro





侯友宜率領首長穿布鞋亮相 女性佔1/3




侯友宜還說,他不是傳統定義的政治人物,他並不是很會說,但請看他做,未來一定不負四百萬市民的期待,具體落實「安居樂業」。接下來,市民服務團隊即刻上緊發條、捲起袖子,「大家作伙拚!」 (自立晚報2018/12/20)

第三屆 新北市政府首長名單

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副市長 謝政達(前新北市政府勞工局長)

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副秘書長 林芥佑(前新北市政府秘書處長)

地政局長 康秋桂(女)(新北市政府地政局長)

新聞局長 蔣志薇(女)(CloudMiles 策略長)

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環保局長 劉和然(新北市政府環保局長)

觀旅局長 張其強(新北市政府新聞局長)

農業局長 李 玟(新北市政府農業局長)

警察局長 胡木源(現任)

人事處長 郭素卿(女)(現任)

政風處長 王文信(現任)

主計處長 鄭瑞城(現任)









Inglesina Aptica System Quattro

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?推薦, Inglesina Aptica System Quattro

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