2015-05-13 03:38:39香吉士船長

It's hard….

i guess we are just not the right ones for each other


i assume we should end up here...
before we do even more harmful things to each other...
the memory should be the only thing we left between "us"

just "bye"  
but not "goodbye"
cuz things are not as good as we assume it could be

you know?
sometimes when i lay on your lap,
i do think about what it will be like to raise kids with you
imagining you will take thounsands of pictures of children
and they will exhausted for posing 

it seems that you are not well prepared
and so do I

but not "good bye"

i guess we are just not the right ones for each other
i assume we should end up here...
before we do even more harmful things to each other...
the memory should be the only thing we left between "us"
just "bye" but not "goodbye"
cuz things are not that good as we assume it would be
sometimes when i lay on your lap, i do think about what it will be like to raise kids with you
imagine you will take thousands of pictures of children
and they will exhausted for posing
the thing is..
you are not well prepared,
and so do I
not good by



