2009-08-07 15:42:05expecting-lia

clothes and fashion

    Wednesday, my English teacher asked some questions. " Is fashion important to you ? " I answered him " No, I don't really care whether I am fashion or not. " Then he asked us " Why do you wear clothes? People were clothes just for fashion and show off themself. " One of my classmates answered " The clothes can keep us worm. " " That function(功能) just for winter. It is summer now, and really hot, why it have to keep you worm. " I want to say something, like "If you are hot, you can naked. We don't care if you dare to do. " but of caurse I didn't say. Nobody responded, then he kept saying " We wear clothes to protect our bodies from the cold weather or the burning sun, not just for fashion and show off. " It's quite a good answer, but not a best answer.
    People wear clothes to protect their bodies not just from the cold or the burning sun. It's also protect from insect bites and injuries(傷害), and from unwelcome eyes of stranges. But unfortunately, now many people product, buy and wear clothes seldom think about these things. When they wore the clothes, they might thought : I'm modern and stylish(有格調的). I'm relax and confident(有自信的). I'm different from the traditional(傳統的) older generation(老一輩). I'm sexy. I'm rich. especially the young generation. They spend a lot of money just to acquire(獲得) a single designer clothes. In my opinion, it is waste time and money to pursue(追求) fashion. Is the famous brand(商標) really important? Well, maybe the quality(品質) of famous brand's clothes is much better then ordinary(普通的) clothes, but the price expeed(超出) advisable(合理的) price. It's too expensive. This is the reason(理由) about I don't care about fashion. By the way, if the clothes I like and it's also cheap and comfortable, then it is a famous brand to me.

