2007-05-30 23:43:53


Mika,原名MicaPenniman1983年8月18日生於黎巴嫩首都貝魯特一個美黎聯姻的家庭(他的父親是美國人,母親是黎巴嫩人)。 幼年时期随着家人辗转巴黎,他9岁时,全家才在伦敦定居下来。幼年時期隨著家人輾轉巴黎,他9歲時,全家才在倫敦定居下來。

年幼的Mika喜欢音乐,喜欢在歌曲中说故事。年幼的Mika喜歡音樂,喜歡在歌曲中說故事。 对音乐的爱好,加上他在皇家音乐学院(Royal College of Music)受到的专业训练,让他刚刚露脸就顶着了音乐天才的光环。對音樂的愛好,加上他在皇家音樂學院(RoyalCollegeofMusic)受到的專業訓練,讓他剛剛露臉就頂著了音樂天才的光環。 2006年9月,Mika在BBC Radio 1崭露头角,旋即,在BBC网站的2007年度之声民意调查中,他获得的选票最多。2006年9月,Mika在BBCRadio1嶄露頭角,旋即,在BBC網站的2007年度之聲民意調查中,他獲得的選票最多。

Mika的首支单曲《Relax, Take It Easy》被BBC Radio 1播放,并受到知名DJ的推崇。Mika的首支單曲《Relax,TakeItEasy》被BBCRadio1播放,並受到知名DJ的推崇。 2007年1月8日,环球唱片发行了他的单曲《Grace Kelly》,这首歌很快占据英国单曲榜的冠军位置。2007年1月8日,環球唱片發行了他的單曲《GraceKelly》,這首歌很快佔據英國單曲榜的冠軍位置。 2007年2月5日,Mika乘胜追击,发行了自己的首张专辑《Life In Cartoon Motion》,他的音乐融合了舞曲,funk,流行和其他的元素。2007年2月5日,Mika乘勝追擊,發行了自己的首張專輯《LifeInCartoonMotion》,他的音樂融合了舞曲,funk,流行和其他的元素。 在很短的时间内,他模糊的私生活和音乐才华迅速地为他打开了知名度,人们谈起他时,总是把他和Freddie Mercury, George Michael, Scissor Sisters, Rufus Wainwright和Elton John相提并论。在很短的時間內,他模糊的私生活和音樂才華迅速地為他打開了知名度,人們談起他時,總是把他和FreddieMercury,GeorgeMichael,ScissorSisters,RufusWainwright和EltonJohn相提並論。
Mica Penniman (born 18 August 1983), also known as Mika, is a Lebanon-born, London-based singer who has a recording contract with Casablanca Records and Universal Music. Some sources note his birth name as Michael Holbrook Penniman.

Oscillating between the personas of witty rogue and bubblegum pop diva in the blink of an eye, Mika (born Michael Holbrook Penniman) has exploded onto the British music scene with a number one album, Life in Cartoon Motion. Born in Beirut, frequent relocation (as a young child, his family fled war torn Lebanon), bullying at school and family stress (his father was once taken hostage at Kuwait’s American Embassy) caused the singer to seek solace in music. He received formal training at the Royal College of Music in London and was also coached by a Russian opera instructor. Before he turned 21, Mika was performing and recording music with the Royal Opera House. On the commercial side, he’s written in-flight music for British Airways and even a jingle for Orbit chewing gum. Now 23, his song ”Love Today” currently is finally hitting American shores via a Verizon Wireless commercial.

What’s the Deal?
Mika’s devastatingly powerful voice simultaneously evokes early Elton John, a sober George Michael and the androgynous quality of the Scissor Sisters’ Jake Shears. ”Love Today” suggests the latter’s sexually charged falsetto vocals, while the U.K. hit ”Grace Kelly” recalls John’s growling, sexually suggestive vocal style coupled with heavy harmonization and a killer chorus melody. The unabashed and almost gratuitous pop nature of tracks like ”Lollypop” and ”Relax (Take It Easy)” bring to mind something that Norwegian electronic songstress Annie would offer. Any way you slice it, each and every track on Life in Cartoon Motion will have your ass shaking in one direction or another.