2008-04-20 22:26:50 落葉之楓

【在生活中學習語言】中英對照讀新聞 Stolen rhino horns could be deadly 被偷的犀牛角可

中英對照讀新聞--- Stolen rhino horns could be deadly 被偷的犀牛角可能致命


Stolen rhino horns could be deadly


Two 19th century rhino horns stolen from a South African museum could be deadly if sold as a popular aphrodisiac because they are drenched in poison, a museum official said.


The "priceless" horns were snatched from a display at the historic mammal gallery in Cape Town three days ago, said Jatti Bredekamp, chief executive of Iziko Museum.


"Unknowingly, the thieves have exposed themselves to more than the danger of arrest and prosecution," Bredekamp said in a statement.


"Before the mid-twentieth century, taxidermy mounts were prepared by being soaked in arsenic and preserved from insect infestation through regular applications of DDT, both highly toxic poisons that retain their toxicity over time," he said.


Bredekamp said the horns were deliberately targeted in a carefully planned robbery, and might be destined for Asia, where ground rhino horns are a prized aphrodisiac.


"This could have unforeseen consequences," he said.





toxicity:名詞,毒性、毒力。toxic,形容詞,有毒的。toxic substance/waste(有毒物質/廢棄物)。

